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Everyday is a new journey in life. I love being alive and all that goes with it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mystic Side ~ Gratitude's Day 14

   Today is just like any other day in our house I suppose.  David's teacher called and set up a parent teacher conference. When I heard the words fine motor skills and gross motor skills, I knew what was coming next.   Another one of my kids were going to be evaluated.  My expert opinion.... Gross motor skills above average.  Fine motor skills are a little behind.  Davy just does not like to write.  Perhaps there is a reason why he does not like to write.  These exams always strike fear into my heart because they can and sometimes do lead to a diagnosis.  Really, I think Davy would just rather do something else at than write, but who knows.  Let's get it checked out.

                                    Gratitude's~ Day 14

1. Hayden~ Hayden was diagnosed as PDD-NOS( Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified) at the age of 28 months old. His diagnosis was re-confirmed at the age of 9. I will never for get the day I heard the term spectrum disorder. I googled it and read a story. This story was the story of my young sons life. I cried that day...      I then set out to make sure he got everything he needed for a normal life. He is now being re-diagnosed to make his new school happy. To me, Hayden is normal.  Hayden is a joy.  He will go far in this life. I am grateful for Hayden.

2. Julia~ My unique special girl.  She is bright, beautiful, funny and a sweet child. I love the fact that she does not have any issues at school other than how hard her books should be. She tests high in her reading. She is enthusiastic and fun. I am grateful for Julia.

3. David~ David is fun, sweet, handsome, loving and funny.  He is super smart too when he chooses to be. Davy is having some handwriting problems, but I think this too will pass.  I am grateful for Davy.

4. School~ To the teachers that take a great interest in my children.  I appreciate everything you do to help them get caught up as we go from school to school to school.  I think this transition is hard for some children. Thank you teachers for everything you do.  I am grateful to you.

5. Growth~ . Watching my children outgrow an issue is a wonderful thing.  I am grateful for growth.

6. Children's friends~ Julia has a friend over today.  It is fun to see the girls play.  They are crafting at the moment.  Earlier they were playing the game of twister. Girls are so much quieter than boys.  My ears are not ringing at all.  I am grateful for the children having friends.

7. Sadness~ Yep, sadness has it's place in a gratitude journal.  Whenever sadness occurs then there is room for understanding the joy that follows.  I have felt sadness where the air felt as it was being drawn from my lungs. I  have felt grief.  I have allowed myself the freedom to live life in a new way.  Some things never leave your side.  However, you do learn to live a new life with joy, the memories always there. I know I will feel this sadness again, but I also know that in future tomorrows I will appreciate the good moments of life even more.

8. Joy~ Real joy, not the temporary happiness that you get from buying a super neat purse or cool outfit.  Although, that happiness is fun too.  Rather the joy that comes from inside you just from being alive.  The joy of children's laughter.  Joy from new life.  The joy that is part of you. I am grateful for joy.

9. Mystic Side Church~ When I hear the name Mystic Side, I think of the ocean shore with scents of the ocean drifting through he air. Mystic side church sits in Malden Massachuesetts about 5 miles away from the beach.  I see a quaint blue wooden church with bells ringing in it's tower.  The rectangular hedges surround the church giving it a private green lawn.  My uncle is in charge of mowing the grass. I see a pipe organ and stained glass windows. The smells of food and coffee travels up the stairs from the small kitchen below. I remember my grandparents, Bea, my aunts and uncles. It is easy to remember the laughter of the women long since passed. Yes,sadly almost everyone I ever knew from that church has passed on. Some of the younger generations are still there, but many of them do not remember the people I loved. Most of them do not know me.  Over time, the people, the minister, so many things have changed, but the church is still there standing looking as time has not passed. I am grateful for Mystic Side. 

10. As always, Life~ Today I am alive and that is something to be grateful for. I am thankful and grateful for life.

  Today started a bit harder than other days, but I am used to the trials that go along with it. I am grateful for this life.

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