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Everyday is a new journey in life. I love being alive and all that goes with it.

Monday, January 31, 2011

God doesn't make Junk Gratitude's ~ Day 11

   This morning I woke with the gratitude of being myself.  I know a person who used to try to change me into being someone I am not.  Now, I do not call this person friend.  However, I am grateful for that action because I know I stayed true to myself.   An old friend(Erica Thomas Buchanen~sorry if I mangle the spelling of your name) posted, "Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect." ~Romans 12:2

                                         Gratitude's ~ Day 11

1. Me ~   "God doesn't make junk."   While I do not remember who said that, the words have left a lasting positive impact on me.  I am grateful to wake up and be me.  Who else in this world who I rather be?  Sure, I would like to be rich, have a chauffeur, and chef, but I would like to do it as myself.  I would like to see the world with my eyes.  I am grateful to be me.

2. Walking~  Lately, I have sat down and started to think about the constants in my life.  When I look back, I can see one thing that has always been the same.  Since I was little girl, I loved to take walks.  Years ago,  we Volks Marched through Europe as a family.  I think this may be the start of what shaped my love of walking.  In High School, I used to take walks after school with many different friends at places such as Point of Rocks Park in Virginia.  The memories at that park are many.  The smiles are great.  This journey of walking with friends continues into my adult years and continues today.  These friends hold a special spot in my memories.  Most have continued on as life long friends.  Thank You my friends for taking this journey with me.  I am grateful to you.

3. Gardening~  I am sure I will write this as a gratitude many many time over.  I love gardening.  Greta and I used to walk around our flower beds looking  for the seedlings that the birds may have left behind.  We often had little surprises popping up here and there.  One year, she had planted purple cone flowers in her yard. She did not get one single beautiful purple cone flower.  Instead,  the bird transferred the seeds.  I had  a bunch of cone flowers pop up along my fence line.  Gardening brings surprises and joy.  Gardening brought me friendship with one of the best friends I have ever had.  Thank You Greta for being a great friend.

4. Changes with-in~  One neat thing about writing a gratitude journal is that it makes me really stop and look at the things I am grateful for.  Sure, it is easy to say I am grateful for something, but to stop and really think about the why it brings so much gratitude changes how I feel.  I used to randomly list everything or everyone that made me happy in my thoughts.  I never really gave each gratitude its own thought.  To stop and write down each gratitude, whether it be a person, place or thing, leaves me with joy all day long.

5. My husband~  I am grateful for Mark.  He loves me.  He makes me feel secure.  He is quite a handsome man.  He is funny too.  Lately he has followed his dreams and that has shown to be an inspiration for me to follow my own.  I am grateful for my husband, my best friend.

6. Best friends~ Over the years, I have been blessed with best friends.  I do not have just one best friend. Instead I have a handful of great friends.  I bet, without typing a word, each of you knows who you are. Sadly, all of you are scattered all over the place.  I guess this is a good thing because whenever I see one of you(or talk to or type to), I can concentrate on you.  I am grateful for these friends.

7. Yogurt~ How did I go from friends to yogurt?  I don't know actually, but I do love yogurt.  Here in Germany, there is a yogurt that I have fallen in love with.  It is delicious!!  Actually, that may be even  an understatement because I eat one or two every single day.  I am grateful for yogurt.

8.Children's toys~ Yesterday, Julia and I sat down and played with her potters wheel.  Our hands got dirty from the clay.  We created art and spent treasured time with each other.  It was a special special day.  I am grateful for an activity that will remain with both of us in our memories for the rest of our lives.

9. Art~ Art can be many things to many people.  For me, art is anything that you use your own self to create. This includes gardening, painting, music, crafts, pottery, quilting and so much more.  Art is beautiful.  Sometimes it can be quite odd, but it has it's own uniqueness that speaks about the artist who creates it.  I am grateful for art.

10. As always, life~ I think I may use this as my signature ending.  Everyday that I wake up is something to be grateful for.

   Today has already had a good start. I will concentrate on today. I do want to wish two of my friends good health this morning. I hope you wake feeling well and energized.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life is Good Gratitude's Day 10

 Is it possible that I am at loss for words?  I giggled when I wrote that.  Of course I have words, but now to find a way to put them in writing.

               Gratitude's Day 10

1.Black Friday Shopping~ Yes, I am one of the crazy people who go out with the masses for the good deal. Over the years, the shopping day has evolved from a day of solitary shopping to a day filled with some of my favorite friends(this includes you Mom and Belinda). Each year the day is filled with laughter. We are often so tired that our eyes dilate unevenly and we laugh at the smallest amusements. Last year, I was unable to go, but I am planning to make our own Black Friday here in Germany with a good friend next year. I am grateful for fun shopping days.

2. Truth~ I like the truth.  Now, if you are having a very bad hair day, I won't tell you unless you ask.  Please so not ask me if you do not want to know what I am thinking.  I am direct and there are no secret meanings or hidden agenda in my words.  I am grateful to be able to speak open and honestly and not have to worry about it the next day.  I know my heart.

3. My flower pot that says Joy~  A friend gave me this flower pot nearly 8 years ago to celebrate the fact that I quit smoking.  Since the day I received this pot, I have kept it in my kitchen window.  Currently is houses five small cactus plants.  It is a reminder of the love of my friend. It is also a reminder that I can take care of myself.  I am grateful to the friend who gave it to me.  I am grateful for Sandy.

4. Loyalty~   I have many loyal friends.  If you are my friend, a real friend, I will stand by you. I may not always agree with you, but I will stand by you emotionally and give you support. This is something that all my life longs know about me. I am grateful that I have this trait.

5. Freedom~  Freedom represents so many things.  Various random thoughts just entered my mind.  The most important thought to me at this moment is the freedom to be yourself.  In my kitchen I have a small framed picture.  The drawing shows two friends hugging each other with the words, "Friends know you just as you are and love you anyways."  No need to be anything other than who you are.  That is the way I want you to be....yourself.

6. Dreams~  I have so many dreams.  Every day I get up and think, "What can we do today?"  Most days are just the normal run of the mill days, but I like to imagine the possibilities of the days we can go out and explore.  I am grateful to be able to dream.

7. The internet~ What a neat invention!!  The internet gives me the ability to research my dreams.  It gives us the how tos and the wheres all at the touch of our fingertips.  No longer do we have to go to the books store to get the guides.  Although I will admit I do have the guides too.

8. Pictures~ Pictures capture our memories.  Pictures show us the places we want to go.  Pictures show us the places we will never get to see like the pink dolphins in the Amazon.  I am thankful for the gift of a picture.

9. The beautiful sun~ Today is a bright sunny day in beautiful Germany.  I may ask my husband if he would like to take a drive in any direction just so we can see and appreciate the landscapes.  Perhaps we can stop and take a picture or two to capture the moment.

10. As always Life~ The would be nothing to be grateful for without life.  I am grateful for this life.  :)

 Enjoy your today my friends.  Let today be filled with gratitude's and happy moments.  Life is good.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A 4 year journey~ Gratitude's Day 9

   This morning I wrote a very simple sentence.  Life goes on..... After I wrote that, I took time to reflect the last several years of my life.  Four years ago, my life was set on a journey that not even my imagination could fathom.  My life today is totally different today than it was of that yesterday.  Today's gratitude's will reflect on this journey.

                       A Journey~ Gratitude's Day 9

1. Virginia~  4 years ago, we lived in Virginia surrounded by the beautiful greenery that I loved and called home.   Virginia captured my imagination and my soul with its sweet smells and beautiful flowers.  It was a place that I wanted to live for all time.  Virginia held and holds some of my most treasured memories and friends.  Listing these friendships over the years would be nearly impossible, but I do believe that each of you knows that I am talking about you.  I will always have home there even if I do not have a house.  I am grateful for my time in Virginia.

2. Deployment~ Adding deployment to a gratitude journal seems a bit odd to me.  I did not like being separated from my husband.  I know he did not like being separated from us.  However, I did learn that I could ask for help when needed. I learned that I was capable of making a happy home for my children.  I learned that I had a good friend who I could turn to whenever I needed her(Thank You Paula).  I learned that the sad moments do come to an end and life would eventually return to normal.  Well, sort of...

3. Moving~ Even today, I can feel the sadness of having to move away from my life.  I am still learning the lessons that I am supposed to have learned in the next two years.  While, I miss my home state greatly, I grateful for the opportunity moving gave me to grow.

4. Love~ When you leave your parents, you feel pain, a sadness.  This sadness is hard to describe.  My parents had been with us, only an hour and half down the road, for nine years.  They were and still are a huge part of our lives.  While we no longer get to see them every other week, we do still get see them several times a year.  I am grateful for their love.

5. North Dakota~   The day we drove into North Dakota was bleak, grey and rainy.  It was May 31st and there were still snow mounds on the side of the road.  It looked dirty.  I cried.  Where were the hills, the trees, the people?  In time I learned that North Dakota holds its own beauty, a type of serene solitude.  The snow drifts in perfect silence.  There are days when the wind howls so loud you can almost the stories they are trying to tell.  The clouds in the sky are beautiful.  You can always look to the sky to find beauty.  I am grateful for my time in North Dakota.

6. Trips~ In the the two years we were in North Dakota, we got to take three amazing vacations.  One was a cruise to the Carribean with my husbands entire family.  We flew to beautiful Cocoa beach Florida where we set sail on an adventure that I doubt I will ever forget.  Next we set off for a family vacation to Disney World.  It was an amazing 10 days.  Our final vacation was to the beautiful Outer Banks of North Carolina. We spent 14 days with my family at the ocean and 3 days at their house in Virginia before planning our trip to Germany.  Each of those vacations holds a spot in my heart.  I am grateful for those trips.

7. St Louis~ One nice surprise, was the trip we took to St. Louis Missouri.   The trip took only four days, but it was a lot of fun, a mini vacation of sorts.  We missed seeing one of my very best friends, but I know it was for the best. (Love you Barb)  We were able to visit the Zoo and see the famous St. Louis Arch.  A nice surprise trip is always something to be grateful for.

8. One last goodbye~ Once we left North Dakota, said good bye to a few good friends, we headed off to Virginia.  My parents had agreed to let our cute miniature poodle stay with them while we found a home in Germany.  The days we spent with them were to short, but full of love. They are taking great care of Poppy.  I am grateful that we got see them before we set off for our newest adventure.

9. Germany~ Words cannot describe my gratitude for the gift of being able to live in this beautiful country. My journal, I am sure, will be filled with many new gratitude's.

10. Adventure~ Life is an adventure.  Looking back at the last four years, I see a journey that has left me with a few new life long friends, amazing memories and the gift of life.  Everyday is worth the adventure.  I am grateful for this life.

   I feel blessed after writing all this down. There have been ups and downs. Oh but those ups have made this life worth living. Have a good day everyone.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Toilet Paper Gratitude's Day 8


   Good morning friends and readers. Each and everyday is the beginning of your life. When I look back at my life, I treasure each of my memories. However, I live in the present. I dream for the future. There is a saying, "One Day at a Time." For me, this means to live for today. Each day is fresh and newly written. There are no worries of the pasts or the future. Today, I can only worry about today. My day so far looks like it will be uneventful. This does not mean that today will not have it's own story....

                           Gratitude's Day 8

1. Coffee~ I am a bit surprised that I have not put coffee on my list before. Coffee smells good, taste good, and helps me start everyday. Oh how I love my coffee. Now I drink my coffee black. No sugar or cream, just the pure delight of coffee. I am thankful for coffee.

2~ Toilet Paper~ Did you know that toilet paper was not invented until 1857 by a man named Joseph Gayetty? It was called medicated paper. Modern day toilet paper was not invented until 1880. Prior to that people used twigs and leaves. I just had to pause and think about that last sentence. Gross, horrified and stinky comes to mind. I am thankful for toilet paper.

3. Completion~ Today was the final day finishing up my abscess and root canal treatments. It was a super easy visit and no anesthesia was required. I am very thankful to the dentist and to the staff. They fixed me up and with a great attitude as well. While I genuinely like these people, I do hope I do not have to see them again for a very long time.

4. Pottery Pieces~ I love handcrafted pottery. I have bowls, mugs, plates, planters and even a pottery turtle. Each piece is unique. Some of my pieces are made in North Carolina, others in South Dakota and a few are made here in Germany. Pottery is usable and beautiful so it creates no clutter. The glaze drips down or swirls into sweet little patterns. I am grateful for the artist who create the pottery.

5. Trains~ Trains are fun. They take you through mountains and across landscapes. They allow you to travel without missing the sights. There are so many different types of trains. In this house, the steam engine holds the fascination of the old and young alike. I am grateful for trains.

6. Water~ Some people turn to drugs, alcohol or even different means to alleviate stress they feel. I love drinking a glass of ice water. It leaves me feeling refreshed and calm. Water cleans our dishes, our bodies, and the earth. Water is essential for life. I am grateful for water.

7. Blankets~ Blankets make me smile. They warm us and somehow comfort us when are sick. Blankets often are accompanied by little children wanting to cuddle. Blankets decorate and add spice to a room. The feel of a super soft blanket on a cold rainy day can leave me feeling peaceful and relaxed. I am thankful for blankets.

8. Space~ The word space can lead into several directions. One direct is the vastness of Outer Space with its' endless possibilities. This, in itself, can lead to hours and hours of imagination. I do wish I could live long enough to see when we find other species on different planets. That thought makes me smile. Another direction of space is time and distance which can and is sometimes needed. Finally, the third direction of space that I am grateful for, is the space to raise my family. No matter how big or small our space has been, we have always had just enough.

9. Steps~ When I was child I gave my father three wooden shoes that were replica's of Holland wooden shoes. Each shoe had it's own words engraved. The shoes represented the steps necessary for a good life. The shoes represented my gratitude.

10. As always, life~ Today has already brought kids in my house, a visit to the dentist, kind loving words from my husband and the day has just begun.

I am interested to see what else today has today has to bring. Whether it be a good book, a call from a friend or just cuddles on the couch. Today is newly written just as tomorrow will be.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Vegetable Soup Gratitude's~ Day 7

   I am starting my journal of gratitude over again this morning. When I first sat down to write, I felt negative energy seeping in. My words were positive, but my perspective was not. I stepped away to look for a new source of inspiration. A neat thing about life is that when you look for good, you will find it.

                   Gratitude's~ Day 7

1. Attitudes~ This morning I posted on my Facebook page about how I stopped counting calories and walked away from negativity. Instead, I started to count my gratitude's. In doing this I have accidentally started to achieve another goal. I lost three pounds in 6 days. I have stopped nibbling here and there to pass boredom or to ease hurt feelings because I can see the good in all of the things that have passed.

2. Letting go~ Letting go is a gift. True letting go is about allowing yourself to feel peace. I feel that peace.

3. Vegetable Soup~ If my friend Brittany is reading this, she knows I ate the soup for breakfast. The soup filled me with happiness this morning. One, I could imagine Brittany giggling about the soup. Two, the soup filled the air with aromas that matched that of my Grandmother's beef stew. I stopped and was thankful for the flashback of peeling carrots and cutting potatoes. It is nice how smells can bring you back to places of happiness.

4. Sharing Joy~ Today I get to share joy with a friend for something her life has brought her. It is an easy thing to do.

5. Achieving goals~ So many times we dream and do nothing about our goals. Both Mark and I have set off to start separate dreams that will only bring us closer together. Both of our goals bring happiness to each of us as an individual. Happiness brings joy to our family. We are united in supporting each other.

6. Friends~ Not the people who enter your life for a moment, pass judgement and then walk on, but the friends who walk in your life and see the real you. The ones who stand by you. The ones who love you. I have many of those friends... Thank you. I am grateful for you.

7. Shoe lifts~ One of my legs is shorter than other. I walk crooked. I stand crooked and sometimes I feel the crookedness. The lift in my shoe eases the pain I sometimes feel. I am grateful for this simple invention.

8. Laughter~ Yesterday afternoon the kids laughed and laughed as they played with Hayden's new friend. They giggle a lot. They smile even more. I love this laughter.

9. Clocks~ I would never be on time for anything without the invention of clocks.

10. Choices~ Choices can set you free if you allow yourself to make the right choice for you. I am allowing myself to trust my intuition, to follow my goals, and to be happy will all of my choices.

 I am grateful for this life and all that it brings with it.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I am who I am and that is who I want to be Gratitude's~Day6

   I am who I am and that is who I want to be. I can remember a time in my life when I decided I wanted to be me. I was a teenager. One day, while at school and between classes, I headed over to the restroom. I entered the same way as I alway did to wash my hands and to touch up my hair. As I walked by the mirror, I saw someone standing there. It took me by surprise. I stopped, I turned and looked again, that person was me. It was the day that I knew, I was exactly who and how I am supposed to be.

   Today, I am going to allow gratitude for myself. Yesterday I posted on a friends page.  I used words that I hoped would be caring and supportive. These are those words...   In order to be a good wife, a good mother, a good friend, you have to be good to yourself. You have to love yourself in order to love others. Some call this pride. I call it self worth. So here I go... the good in me.

          Gratitude's~ Day 6

1. Intelligence~ When I was younger, I was very obese weighing in at 210 pounds at the ripe old age of twelve. I remember laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking well, at least I am smart. I would play to my ability to get good grades. I used this to maintain a degree of self worth. Whenever, I am struggling and think I cannot make it through or just start to feel worthless, I remember that day. For this, I am grateful.

2. Stubbornness~ Yes yes yes. I am stubborn. This has got me in a good deal of trouble over the years, but it has also got me far. When I first moved to Virginia 11 years ago, I was not a gardener. Matter of fact, we used to laugh about my black thumb. Oh, how sad I was for all those poor dead plants. When we moved into base housing two years later, I heard of the Yard of the Month program. I told my husband that I was going to try to win. He laughed and suggested that I plant plastic flowers. I did not plant plastic. I did not win that year either. However, I tried, failed, and learned I loved to garden. The next year, I won Yard of the Month for having one of the prettiest yards on base. I won for 6 years in row. Three of those years I also won Yard of the Year. Now, I no longer complete. I just love plants.

3. I am a gardener~ I am a gardener. I love how those words sound, but I love the plants even more. Recently, we moved into an apartment here in beautiful Germany. I already have nine plants in my house. I have plans for having many more. Thank goodness we have balcony where I will be to create my own personal place of beauty. Plants connect me to so much more than serenity, they keep me connected to loved one who have long since passed.

4. My grandparents~ Yes, this is still about me. My grandparents shaped the way I think, feel and even love. It is not on accident that they are under my gratitude of gardening. They were gardeners too. When I pluck a weed, memories of my grandmother's sweet smile flood my mind. Should used to say, "Now be sure to get the roots." We would laugh and giggle as we were getting the roots. Perhaps this is why weeding brings me peace and joy. It connects me to one the very best woman I have ever known.

5. Memories~ I rarely remember bad memories of the people I love. My kids are sometimes surprised at this. They will ask, "Mom, do you remember when I did this or that?" Most of the time, I haven't thought about in years. Instead, I remember every sweet moment, all the things that fill our hearts with love. I do this with all the people I love in my life. If you are here with me, I think about the good in you.

6. My ability to detach~ This is a lesson that has been difficult for me to master. I suspect I will have future difficulties with it, but I will not give up on detachment. There are times in life where one must detach themselves emotionally from a source of negativity. I have done this 3 times in the last two years. I have done this once many years ago. If it cannot be fixed, then give it to God.

7. Optimistic~ While there are times I feel down, negative, or whatever, I always know that it will pass and all will be good again. This is probably something passed onto me by a terrific gift my parents gave me. When I was 7, my dad changed our lives in a way that has shaped me the rest of my life. Not sure how much I can write on public journal on this subject, but my gratitude for my mom and dad is always there. Everyday... I thank them. They are the reason I can conquer all difficulties. They taught me love without restraint. They showed me the good in this world. They taught that life is worth living and all struggles can be overcome.

8. I am mother~ I am mother. A good one too. Now notice, I did not say I am perfect mother. I have my moments where I would like to take a break for a few hours here and there. Life is not always perfect. It is okay though, because when I sit down and talk to each of my children, I am reminded that everything I do matters. The love in this house is enormous. The noise level can be too.... I am grateful for every minute I have with my children.

9 .My imagination~ I love to sit and imagine I am character out of a book. Oh to imagine the possibilities....     I love to imagine the flip side of a coin. Everyone can see things they way they are supposed to be, I like to imagine the other choice. The outcomes are often quite fun!

10. My ability to love~ I have already posted about this in a previous journal. However, I feels it bears worthiness to be posted again. I love freely. I see the good in people. I suppose this is why I am always surprised when people see bad in me. I think people see what they want to see. If you give and look for love, you will see and get love. If you look for evil, you will see evil.

    This journal was a lot easier to write than I had originally imagined. At first I felt silly and even egotistical and then I allowed myself to feel what has shaped me into the person I am today. I will be able to give more to others by being good to myself which will keep us all happy. Isn't that what so many of us want in life... happiness and love?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gratitude~ Day 5

 Today has been interesting day. I wouldn't call today fun, but I can still find things and moments to be grateful for. So here I go..

  Things I am Grateful for~ Day 5

1. Root Canal~ Oh, I know what you must be thinking. How in the world can anyone be grateful for having a root canal? I have had a total of 4 root canal treatments in the the last 2 months. I cannot say I enjoy them. However, I can say that I am grateful that my teeth can be fixed. I am grateful that my abscess is healed. I am grateful that I am not in pain anymore. Now, my face hurts a bit, but I can function just fine.

2. Hurt feelings~ My daughter came home today with hurt feelings. One of the moms told their daughter that Julia does not listen well.  Julia was heart broken. Of course, I was too. However, this is a life lesson. People can be mean. They can do lots of harm. How can I be grateful for something like this?? Well, Julia feels safe to come talk openly with me whenever she has a problem. For that, I am grateful. I treasure our relationship. I treasure our hour long talks about many different aspects of life.

3. Life can be unfair~  My poor  11 year old son, Hayden,  has missing assignments for one of his classes. When I asked him about it, he told me that he turned in two of the assignments, one was a quiz that he needs to take and the 4th was in his folder. I asked him to talk to his teacher about the assignments. You guessed it. He has to do them again. He is a bit mad about this. I am grateful that we can help him with this life lesson. I am grateful that we are here to guide him. Life, at times, can be unfair. Todays life lesson~ Others are not perfect which frees him from perfection.

4. No clutter~ Before we moved away from North Dakota, I had two large garage sales. I sold just about anything and everything that we did not need. We downsized by 4 thousand pounds. Most people probably don't know how much their stuff weighs, but thanks to moving twice in just about two years, we know. It is great living in a smaller place and not having clutter. Yesterday's cleaning time.... 10 minutes. Today's....the same.

5. This gratitude journal~ I already feel my spirits lifting as I write the positives in what I would normally have viewed as a trying day.

6. Bill W~   This man never knew me, but he changed our lives. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without Bill W.

7. My Dad~ Just typing his name brings sweet tears to my eyes. He has to be the best father a girl can have. I have so many memories of him that make me smile. I will have to write them each separately in my journal. I love and am grateful for my Dad.

8. My Mom~ She has a way of making me feel beautiful. I wonder if I ever told her that? I love and am grateful for my mother.

9. My sister~ The song Bye Bye Miss American Pie immediately jumps into my mind.  We used to sing this song as loudly as we could while driving down the road with the windows down.  I can still hear our giggles.  Belinda is special and unique. She is a good sister.  Her heart is huge.  I love and  am grateful for my sister.

10. As always, Life~ being alive is a gift in itself. I am here today. So today I shall live.

When I first sat down to write this, I was in a pretty bad mood. I now feel a smile a in my heart. Looking for the positives made a difference.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gratitude~ Day 4

I slept well last night. This morning I woke with a since of peace that I have not felt in a very long time. This mornings gratitude journal should be easy to write.

1. My husband~ He is my best critic and the best cheer leader. He loves me. I love him. We are best friends.

2. My cute little Davy~ My poor little boy does not feel well this morning. Even with an upset tummy, he can make me smile. I told Davy once that when he was born he stole my heart. There are days when he gets mad at me and tries to give it back. :) I love how he carries my heart with him in everything he does. I love that little guy.

3. My sweet sweet Julia~ AKA Julianna. Her name change is due to the fact that she has another Julia in her class. Julianna is a just a little more sophisticated than Julia. Her clothes, friends, maturity...just everything has grown and changed so much this year. I once thought there would never be a time in life as sweet as the day she was born. Now, watching her blossom, it is even better. I am enjoying every single minute.

4. My ever lasting and never giving up Hayden~ I don't think there is a person on this planet with more determination than that kid. I am proud of him. He recently decided he does not want to be on an IEP. He is doing everything he can to be "just like" the regular kids. Things is.... I think he is succeeding. Watching him transform, gain confidence and succeed is amazing. I am in awe of my own child.

5. Life~ Just breathing in and out it something to be grateful for.

6. God~ I am not sure if I will be able to step through the doors of another church. All long time ago, a man, who I hold a lot of respect for, said as he out stretched his arms, "The world is my church. The trees, the stars..." God created a house for all of us to gather..he created the earth, our home.

7. Electricity~ Often, I sit and try to imagine what life was like without electricity. I picture myself, in a long flowing skirt, churning butter. While I love the idea of farming, social gatherings, and always working together as a family, I cannot imagine the lights being turned off. I am grateful for this invention. This leads me to my next gratitude...

8. The phone~ Even in Germany, I can call my family and stay connected with them. I don't call many people, but I do call a few people often. I love the phone.

9. Friends~ I am slowly starting to meet people here in Germany. Over the years, we have traveled and left many people behind. As time goes on, most people disappear into the daily routines of their own lives. Some stay in touch. Some hold a treasured place in hearts that will last for all time. I love those people who become lifelong friends. They are a truly special breed.

10. The people who read my blogs~ Thank you for taking this walk with me. You matter.

(I think I will change this to my daily 10. I can always write more when the inspiration hits.)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gratitude~Day 3

I am starting on day 3 of my gratitude writing. Day 1 and 2 are on my facebook page. Here, I can share openly with the people who want to take this walk in life with me. Everyday I hope to write at least 15 things that make me feel grateful in life.

Gratitude~Day 3

   Even in moments of little sleep, personal hurts and just the upsets that happen in life, I can see that I have a lot to be grateful for. I recently heard rumors and gossip about me that is splitting friendships. While it hurts to hear these untruths, it did make me think about all of the people in my life. I am 39 years old. I can count 5 people who hurt me in 39 years. 3 of them were recent. 2 of them are from the past. Now, I can think of hundred's, perhaps even a thousand people who are true, honest and genuine. They see the good in me. This is something to be grateful for. Sometime I think God throws the bad situations in your life to remind you of all of the good people who are out there. I am lucky to have these lessons in life. They are hard lessons, but as long as I learn from them, life can move on and all will be well again. I will continue in the search for the good in people's souls, in the beauty of nature or even in a good book. This life is an amazing gift. I am grateful to be given the chance to take the walk one day at a time.

1. A kind word~ I received an e-mail from a friend this morning that made me smile. It was loving, open and refreshing. The person who sent the e-mail is a treasured friend that I am grateful wants to take this walk with me. Thanks Ebony~ You matter. I love you for who you are.

2. The Serenity Prayer~ God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Sadly, I had to muster up the courage and the wisdom to walk out of a toxic relationship recently. This person views of me are very distorted and all together wrong. Negative energy is not good for any friendship. Oh the things I have heard about me.... I will pray for this person and hope that they have a good life. Thank you God for showing me a clear path. I prayed to be able to see without a doubt if this person was a friend. While I am sad, I am glad it is over and now I can move on.

3. Positive people~ Yes I have to add this again. It is amazing how many positive people there are in this world. If you want to happiness, surround yourself with these people. Names are flowing through my head right now. I can only hope that I have told each of you how important you are.

4. Places~ I cannot think of a place that did not have it's own beauty. There are places that are nicer than others, but each has it's own moments of tranquility. In my minds eye, I just pictured the landscape of North Dakota with it's vast plains. The snow drifts softy to the ground. The air is still. All is quiet. Beautiful.

5. Dreams come true~ God works in amazing ways. I have asked and asked to come to Germany again. To revisit a beautiful moment in my childhood. Just when I gave up all hope, the orders came and here we are. The landscape is even more breath taking than I remember. The locals are kind. The food is great. Alles Gut! (all is good)

6. Struggling~ Some days are easier than others to come up with things I am grateful for. Today I find myself struggling to stay in the positive. I know that hard times are necessary to fell pure joy of good times. I feel joy just about everyday of my life. I feel joy today too.

7. Trees.... have I mentioned how much I love trees? They are like filters of life cleansing the air and providing the purity of breath. Trees are the lungs of the world. Has anyone noticed that if you turn a tree up side down, it looks strangely similar to the structure of our human lungs? The leaves are our aveoli. One day I will have to sit down and draw and label this out. Life is reciprocating, and duplicating its structures over and over.

8. Love~ I tend to give love freely and find myself retreating when the love is rejected. Every time, I bounce back and give it again. I hope this never changes about me. It makes me vunerable, but it makes me who I am.

9. Being able to conquer fear~ recently a person unknowingly gave me the gift of courage to write again, to dream and to not fear failure. I have always wanted to write, but the fear of failing was always at my side. Now, I say fail or succeed. I will write. Each day, I will improve. Even if the words are only for me to see, I have succeeded.

10. My family~ I was going to try to write only new gratitude's everyday. However, everyday that I have with my children and husband fills me with gratitude. Each day there is something different to be grateful for. Today has only just begun....

11. The clouds~ Clouds are neat. I have never looked at a cloud and thought, "that is ugly." Even in storms, they swirl and dance. Anytime I need a break and want to see the art of life, I can look up at the clouds in the sky. They are ever changing and evolving. Everyday, they are different giving us a new gift. It is always a surprise.

12. Being able to keep a secret~ Yes, I have many secrets stored in this brain. I want to share these secrets sometimes, but it is not my story to tell. They can write their own path.

13. Openness~ I am book for anyone who wants to take the time to know me. I love life and all it has to give.

14. Swings- The way the air rushes past you feet. Yes, there is nothing better than removing your shoes and hopping on a swing. The clouds, the trees, the feeling of wind sets you free.

15. Time~ Time is something I both am grateful for and hate. I don't ever want to die and I know this is going to happen one day. I love life. Time is also something to be grateful for. For without time, we would not be able to watch our children grow. We would not be able to plant flowers, trees and vegetables. We would not be able to think, this will be better tomorrow.  Time is a gift.  I don't want to waste one single second.