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Everyday is a new journey in life. I love being alive and all that goes with it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blah Day Gratitude's~ Day 13

   I wasn't going to write my blog this morning. Negativity crept into my spirits and left me feeling quite blah. It has been foggy outside for three days now. To be overcast is one thing, but to not be able to see across the street leaves me feeling just a bit icky. Yes... I said icky. I do have three kids.

Now having this feeling of blahness makes me think that today it is even more important to look for my gratitude's. So here I go...

                                  Gratitude's ~ Day 13

1. Blah days~ Yes, there is even something to be grateful for on a blah day. I will be able to appreciate seeing clouds again. Not the clouds that cover our area in fog, but the ones high the sky that sometimes cover the sun. Days that look bleak and forlorn often lead to days of cheerfulness and happiness. So...for that, I am grateful for blah days too.

2. Clouds~ Fog can be mysterious and lead your imagination into all sort of tales. Fog is just clouds that have fallen down for a moment. Hopefully the clouds will go back up the sky and paint imaginary creatures and pictures. Guessing the shapes of the clouds is one of my families favorite things to do. We like to look up and see dinosaurs, flowers, and sometimes even two headed monsters. We often let our imaginations get carried away. I am grateful for clouds. They can be fun.

3. Soup~ I think I may have had soup every day for about two weeks now. I love soup. It has many different flavors to match many different moods. Today I had Mexican Style Chicken Tortilla with melted Pepper Havarti cheese on top. It was delicious. Another reason I love soup is that I can eat the entire can. Sure, It says two servings per can, but today serving only had 110 calories. So I ate the entire contents of the can of soup. I am grateful for soup.

4. New York City~ Yep, I have seen where the Soup Nazi, from the sitcom Seinfeld,serves his soup. Sadly, I did not get to eat his soup. The tour guide said he was out of the country looking for new soup recipes. I got to take this trip my mother and sister. Watching Broadway shows and racing to catch taxi's is fun. I am grateful for the trips to New York City.

5. Trips~ I have a draft started of all the places I have been. I found that I need help writing this blog. I was a child for many of the trips. I would days, years and exact places to put in my memory trip blog. One day, I hope to be able to publish the places I have been. I am grateful to be able to take trips.

6. Family~ I am grateful to my family and all the meaning they hold. I love you all. I am grateful to you.

7. Music~ A happy tune can uplift one's spirits. I am grateful for music.

8. Cars~ We can do so much that would be impossible without a car. I don't think I would like having to use a horse and buggy. Although, I do think it would be to take a horse and buggy excursions through a park or city. I am grateful for cars.

9. Toothpaste~ Can you imagine life without toothpaste? I don't want too. I don't like bad smells. I am grateful for toothpaste.

10. As always, Life~ Today is a gift filled with fog. The fog will lift as will my mood. I am grateful for the gift of life.

   I am still a bit blah, but that is normal for life. We cannot be happy every moment of every day. However, we can find many things to be grateful for. Have a good day in gratitude's everyone.

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