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Everyday is a new journey in life. I love being alive and all that goes with it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why us? The answer is..Thank God it is us

Why us? The answer is..Thank God it is us

by Bonnie Stanley Martinez on Friday, March 25, 2011 at 7:59am

  There are moments I get sucked into the pity mode. Why us? I know I can handle the obstacles that get thrown my way. I just don't always want too. I want to sit back and have a more normal like life. That is what I tell myself from time to time. I want a normal life. Thing is, I have a normal life. It is just different from yours and yours...

   I have no idea what it is like to wake up and not have a high functioning Austistic(PDD-NOS) 11 year old child, a sweet 9 year old girl and a 7 year old who stole my heart the day he was born(he is just slightly allergic to various things). I don't know what it is like to live in your shoes. I know most of you do not know what it is to walk in my shoes. Most days, it is wonderful.

    Hayden's mind is brilliant and sharp. When I take the time to sit and listen to him, I know he is able to process ideas that I cannot fathom on my own. I am grateful I have the ability to understand his mind when he talks. He wants to be an archaeologist when he grows up. I find I am excited about this career choice. The things he will get to see and do will be a journey well worth taking. All of our travels and his love of sociology and history have influenced his choice. I know this is achievable. I hope I get to go on some of his digs.

   My daughter has her own gifts. She is outgoing, smart, beautiful and even more talkative than I am. ahem...for those of you who know me and are laughing..YES this is possible. Julia is an artist. She writes. She draws. She creates. She is a joy. We spend hours making up stories and dreaming about the possibilities of life. She still flutters like a butterfly rather than walks. Who wants to walk when you can be a butterfly?

   Davy is my youngest. He is a sweet and a big hearted little guy. He has an amazing outlook on life. His food allergies have never held him back from living. Perhaps they push him forward. He lives life, each moment fully engaged. He takes the time to appreciate the little stuff. He is happy, smart, and very funny. Davy can make me laugh even when I have had the worst day.

   So, taking a look back at three amazing gifts we have received, I will ask myself the same question. Why us? The answer is..Thank God it is us. I am so glad that I get to live this crazy, fun, and exciting life with these three amazing little people.

      Note: I spent the morning revisiting my old blog post.  This one is my favorite.   I love my children. 

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