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Everyday is a new journey in life. I love being alive and all that goes with it.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A 4 year journey~ Gratitude's Day 9

   This morning I wrote a very simple sentence.  Life goes on..... After I wrote that, I took time to reflect the last several years of my life.  Four years ago, my life was set on a journey that not even my imagination could fathom.  My life today is totally different today than it was of that yesterday.  Today's gratitude's will reflect on this journey.

                       A Journey~ Gratitude's Day 9

1. Virginia~  4 years ago, we lived in Virginia surrounded by the beautiful greenery that I loved and called home.   Virginia captured my imagination and my soul with its sweet smells and beautiful flowers.  It was a place that I wanted to live for all time.  Virginia held and holds some of my most treasured memories and friends.  Listing these friendships over the years would be nearly impossible, but I do believe that each of you knows that I am talking about you.  I will always have home there even if I do not have a house.  I am grateful for my time in Virginia.

2. Deployment~ Adding deployment to a gratitude journal seems a bit odd to me.  I did not like being separated from my husband.  I know he did not like being separated from us.  However, I did learn that I could ask for help when needed. I learned that I was capable of making a happy home for my children.  I learned that I had a good friend who I could turn to whenever I needed her(Thank You Paula).  I learned that the sad moments do come to an end and life would eventually return to normal.  Well, sort of...

3. Moving~ Even today, I can feel the sadness of having to move away from my life.  I am still learning the lessons that I am supposed to have learned in the next two years.  While, I miss my home state greatly, I grateful for the opportunity moving gave me to grow.

4. Love~ When you leave your parents, you feel pain, a sadness.  This sadness is hard to describe.  My parents had been with us, only an hour and half down the road, for nine years.  They were and still are a huge part of our lives.  While we no longer get to see them every other week, we do still get see them several times a year.  I am grateful for their love.

5. North Dakota~   The day we drove into North Dakota was bleak, grey and rainy.  It was May 31st and there were still snow mounds on the side of the road.  It looked dirty.  I cried.  Where were the hills, the trees, the people?  In time I learned that North Dakota holds its own beauty, a type of serene solitude.  The snow drifts in perfect silence.  There are days when the wind howls so loud you can almost the stories they are trying to tell.  The clouds in the sky are beautiful.  You can always look to the sky to find beauty.  I am grateful for my time in North Dakota.

6. Trips~ In the the two years we were in North Dakota, we got to take three amazing vacations.  One was a cruise to the Carribean with my husbands entire family.  We flew to beautiful Cocoa beach Florida where we set sail on an adventure that I doubt I will ever forget.  Next we set off for a family vacation to Disney World.  It was an amazing 10 days.  Our final vacation was to the beautiful Outer Banks of North Carolina. We spent 14 days with my family at the ocean and 3 days at their house in Virginia before planning our trip to Germany.  Each of those vacations holds a spot in my heart.  I am grateful for those trips.

7. St Louis~ One nice surprise, was the trip we took to St. Louis Missouri.   The trip took only four days, but it was a lot of fun, a mini vacation of sorts.  We missed seeing one of my very best friends, but I know it was for the best. (Love you Barb)  We were able to visit the Zoo and see the famous St. Louis Arch.  A nice surprise trip is always something to be grateful for.

8. One last goodbye~ Once we left North Dakota, said good bye to a few good friends, we headed off to Virginia.  My parents had agreed to let our cute miniature poodle stay with them while we found a home in Germany.  The days we spent with them were to short, but full of love. They are taking great care of Poppy.  I am grateful that we got see them before we set off for our newest adventure.

9. Germany~ Words cannot describe my gratitude for the gift of being able to live in this beautiful country. My journal, I am sure, will be filled with many new gratitude's.

10. Adventure~ Life is an adventure.  Looking back at the last four years, I see a journey that has left me with a few new life long friends, amazing memories and the gift of life.  Everyday is worth the adventure.  I am grateful for this life.

   I feel blessed after writing all this down. There have been ups and downs. Oh but those ups have made this life worth living. Have a good day everyone.

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