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Everyday is a new journey in life. I love being alive and all that goes with it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Bit Quirky, Perhaps a Little Unique

I often look at the people I know in life and admire them for their attitudes, for their styles, and for their choices. I don't want to be them though. I like being me."   ~me

  The quote above came from a note I wrote on Facebook a while back.   It still stands true.  I do not want to be anyone other than myself.   Every once in a while I come across someone who wants to be friends, but they want  to change me into someone I am not, fitting their mold.   I have never fit any mold other than the one God gave me.  To them, I am broken.    To me, I am just fine.

   I consider myself to be a bit quirky, perhaps a little unique.   I like being creative.  Although I have never tried to create art for others, I consider myself a bit of an artist especially in the garden.  I see pictures in my mind of what the plants will look like in a few months down the road.  I can see them wisping over the edges of flowers boxes bursting in vibrant colors of fuchsia, violets, reds and even the brightest of yellows.  The border plants will creep into the crevices of sidewalks.    I remember a time in my life when I only had a few friends and my flower garden was spectacular.  It had its bumps, but it was a truly happy time in my life.  I heard the whispers.  Always knew what they were saying, but I did not really care.  I loved being outside with the flowers.  I loved gardening.  I used to imagine I was in the middle of the country and no one could see me.  My gardening helped me to escape the other worries in my life. Gardening  sets me free....

Might not have a yard right now, but at least I have a balcony.  :)

   A moment off track into a memory, but now back on track to my main point.  We are all unique individuals.  Each of us holds a special gift to be shared.    In each of my friends, I look for what makes them special, unique.   I love each of them for being who they are and not who I need them to be.   Hopefully they see me for who I am and not for who I am not.


1 comment:

  1. Love the balcony! It is so color. If I hadn't seen this picture or post and you had posted a picture of the building but not pointed out which one was your balcony, I would have known! You always have a beautiful garden and you helped me come to enjoy being in the garden and NOT be entirely clueless while being there! Miss you friend!~
