Is it possible that I am at loss for words? I giggled when I wrote that. Of course I have words, but now to find a way to put them in writing.
Gratitude's Day 10
1.Black Friday Shopping~ Yes, I am one of the crazy people who go out with the masses for the good deal. Over the years, the shopping day has evolved from a day of solitary shopping to a day filled with some of my favorite friends(this includes you Mom and Belinda). Each year the day is filled with laughter. We are often so tired that our eyes dilate unevenly and we laugh at the smallest amusements. Last year, I was unable to go, but I am planning to make our own Black Friday here in Germany with a good friend next year. I am grateful for fun shopping days.
2. Truth~ I like the truth. Now, if you are having a very bad hair day, I won't tell you unless you ask. Please so not ask me if you do not want to know what I am thinking. I am direct and there are no secret meanings or hidden agenda in my words. I am grateful to be able to speak open and honestly and not have to worry about it the next day. I know my heart.
3. My flower pot that says Joy~ A friend gave me this flower pot nearly 8 years ago to celebrate the fact that I quit smoking. Since the day I received this pot, I have kept it in my kitchen window. Currently is houses five small cactus plants. It is a reminder of the love of my friend. It is also a reminder that I can take care of myself. I am grateful to the friend who gave it to me. I am grateful for Sandy.
4. Loyalty~ I have many loyal friends. If you are my friend, a real friend, I will stand by you. I may not always agree with you, but I will stand by you emotionally and give you support. This is something that all my life longs know about me. I am grateful that I have this trait.
5. Freedom~ Freedom represents so many things. Various random thoughts just entered my mind. The most important thought to me at this moment is the freedom to be yourself. In my kitchen I have a small framed picture. The drawing shows two friends hugging each other with the words, "Friends know you just as you are and love you anyways." No need to be anything other than who you are. That is the way I want you to be....yourself.
6. Dreams~ I have so many dreams. Every day I get up and think, "What can we do today?" Most days are just the normal run of the mill days, but I like to imagine the possibilities of the days we can go out and explore. I am grateful to be able to dream.
7. The internet~ What a neat invention!! The internet gives me the ability to research my dreams. It gives us the how tos and the wheres all at the touch of our fingertips. No longer do we have to go to the books store to get the guides. Although I will admit I do have the guides too.
8. Pictures~ Pictures capture our memories. Pictures show us the places we want to go. Pictures show us the places we will never get to see like the pink dolphins in the Amazon. I am thankful for the gift of a picture.
9. The beautiful sun~ Today is a bright sunny day in beautiful Germany. I may ask my husband if he would like to take a drive in any direction just so we can see and appreciate the landscapes. Perhaps we can stop and take a picture or two to capture the moment.
10. As always Life~ The would be nothing to be grateful for without life. I am grateful for this life. :)
Enjoy your today my friends. Let today be filled with gratitude's and happy moments. Life is good.
You are an amazing woman, Bonnie.