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Everyday is a new journey in life. I love being alive and all that goes with it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I am now grandparentless

   As I sit here,  all I can think is that I am now grandparentless.  Is that even a word, grandparentless?  I don't know and I am not going to bother trying to look it up.  It has been years since I saw my grandmother.  She was an interesting lady.  My main memory of her is hearing her voice.  She would say with the best southern drawl that you can imagine, "I love you Bonnie."   Funny how that is all that I can hear at this moment in time.  I love you too Granny.  I didn't know you as well as I would have liked, but I love you too....

   Yesterday morning my grandmother passed on.  She lived a long life of 92 years.  My dad speaks often of her.  He loves her.  I know he does.    My dad is about as gruff as a fluffy soft teddy bear.  There is not one mean bone in that mans heart.  I don't know why he pretends to be cranky.  Maybe he feels cranky, but he has a huge heart.  I think he feels things on a deeper level than most people. Perhaps getting injured easier than others.  My oldest son reminds me a lot of my dad.

   I do believe I am rambling in my typing.  My thoughts feel jumbled this morning.    One thought I shared with my children last night is....   After someone you love dies, you learn to live a new normal.   They stay a part of you.  Sometimes it is just the whiff of lavendar and suddenly they are in the room with you again, even for just a moment.

    I can't be with my family right now and I think that bothers me more than anything else.  My father would never say he wants me there.  He knows I am in Germany. I can only guess that he would say he understands as I know he does.  Doesn't change the fact that I want to be there for him.  I would like to stand by his side.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Bit Quirky, Perhaps a Little Unique

I often look at the people I know in life and admire them for their attitudes, for their styles, and for their choices. I don't want to be them though. I like being me."   ~me

  The quote above came from a note I wrote on Facebook a while back.   It still stands true.  I do not want to be anyone other than myself.   Every once in a while I come across someone who wants to be friends, but they want  to change me into someone I am not, fitting their mold.   I have never fit any mold other than the one God gave me.  To them, I am broken.    To me, I am just fine.

   I consider myself to be a bit quirky, perhaps a little unique.   I like being creative.  Although I have never tried to create art for others, I consider myself a bit of an artist especially in the garden.  I see pictures in my mind of what the plants will look like in a few months down the road.  I can see them wisping over the edges of flowers boxes bursting in vibrant colors of fuchsia, violets, reds and even the brightest of yellows.  The border plants will creep into the crevices of sidewalks.    I remember a time in my life when I only had a few friends and my flower garden was spectacular.  It had its bumps, but it was a truly happy time in my life.  I heard the whispers.  Always knew what they were saying, but I did not really care.  I loved being outside with the flowers.  I loved gardening.  I used to imagine I was in the middle of the country and no one could see me.  My gardening helped me to escape the other worries in my life. Gardening  sets me free....

Might not have a yard right now, but at least I have a balcony.  :)

   A moment off track into a memory, but now back on track to my main point.  We are all unique individuals.  Each of us holds a special gift to be shared.    In each of my friends, I look for what makes them special, unique.   I love each of them for being who they are and not who I need them to be.   Hopefully they see me for who I am and not for who I am not.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

I have a huge dilemma!!

  I have a huge dilemma this morning!!   Well, not really.    My dilemma is something I used to only dream about.  Now, I get to live a life that I have always wanted, one of travel.

  For the next couple of years, we are fortunate enough to live in the beautiful country of Germany.  Many countries border us. There is Luxembourg, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands just to name a few.  The choices of where to go and what to do seem limitless.  The time we have here does not seem like it could possibly fit in everything we want to do. That brings me to my dilemma.  Where are we going to go this weekend?   I have tons ideas.  That is my problem,  narrowing down my choices and picking just one.  

  Do we go to Koln or perhaps to the Alps?  Do we travel once again to a favorite spot of the North Sea in Holland or do we try something new?  Shall we go to France for the first time as a family or perhaps explore Germany even more?  These choices are lucky.  Where do we go instead of there is nothing to do.   What a dilemma!   Of course, I do say that with a big smile on my face.

  Hopefully by tomorrow, being that it is Friday and all, we will have it figured out.  I am thinking a day trip may be in order.  Somewhere close, perhaps a two hour drive or less.  I would like there to be  history, some romantic buildings and a beautiful landscape or possibly the seaside.  That describes just about everywhere in Europe!  

  Any ideas?  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Ribbit ribbit," one friend literally croaked to another

  Time to change things up a bit.   At first, my blog was just to be a gratitude blog.  A way to simply to remind myself of what I am grateful for in life.  Now, I know that I need to write what is in my heart. It is okay to feel many different emotions from joy to sorrow, from excitements to disappointments. These range of emotions place a special spot in our lives.  Without one, there cannot be the other.

  Today I woke up feeling melancholy.  Truthfully, I do not know why.  I took a walk down memory lane feeling an overwhelming urge to be at Point of Rocks Parks in Virginia walking over the marsh lands.  I felt the desire to have my dreams that are placed secretly in my heart to be shared with some of my oldest dearest friends.   I felt the need to reconnect with my friends from the past.  Then I remembered....we are half way across the world.  Sure, I can send a note, but things are not the same today as they were twenty plus years ago.  Perhaps it will be enough to tell them how much I miss having my friends a part of my life.  I do miss them.  I miss them terribly.  Funny how I can see images of memories flash before my eyes.

  "Ribbit  ribbit," one friend literally croaked to another.  Craig, who was about 17 years old at the time, had crawled out on a fallen tree log over the water.  As he crawled back, he made himself look strangely like a frog.  We laughed and laughed that day.  I still laugh at that memory.    We should be living as neighbors now,  he with his family and I with mine.  Our kids should be running and playing together.  They should know the same level of friendship I once shared with my friend.  Sadly, that is not how things turned out.  

 It is the one thing I would change about my life.  If I could, I would one day go home.  I would go back to where I see the laughter.  So many of my friends are gone from there now, but I would still go back.  I want to walk around Point of Rocks Park again.   I want to sit and soak up the friends who are still there.  I want to hear about the happenings in their life, what makes them happy and what makes them sad.  I want to know the details.  I want to be part of their life again.  Some, I think would welcome me with open arms.  Others may push me away, but I still want to be there.  I love you my old friends....   always have and always will.    

Why us? The answer is..Thank God it is us

Why us? The answer is..Thank God it is us

by Bonnie Stanley Martinez on Friday, March 25, 2011 at 7:59am

  There are moments I get sucked into the pity mode. Why us? I know I can handle the obstacles that get thrown my way. I just don't always want too. I want to sit back and have a more normal like life. That is what I tell myself from time to time. I want a normal life. Thing is, I have a normal life. It is just different from yours and yours...

   I have no idea what it is like to wake up and not have a high functioning Austistic(PDD-NOS) 11 year old child, a sweet 9 year old girl and a 7 year old who stole my heart the day he was born(he is just slightly allergic to various things). I don't know what it is like to live in your shoes. I know most of you do not know what it is to walk in my shoes. Most days, it is wonderful.

    Hayden's mind is brilliant and sharp. When I take the time to sit and listen to him, I know he is able to process ideas that I cannot fathom on my own. I am grateful I have the ability to understand his mind when he talks. He wants to be an archaeologist when he grows up. I find I am excited about this career choice. The things he will get to see and do will be a journey well worth taking. All of our travels and his love of sociology and history have influenced his choice. I know this is achievable. I hope I get to go on some of his digs.

   My daughter has her own gifts. She is outgoing, smart, beautiful and even more talkative than I am. ahem...for those of you who know me and are laughing..YES this is possible. Julia is an artist. She writes. She draws. She creates. She is a joy. We spend hours making up stories and dreaming about the possibilities of life. She still flutters like a butterfly rather than walks. Who wants to walk when you can be a butterfly?

   Davy is my youngest. He is a sweet and a big hearted little guy. He has an amazing outlook on life. His food allergies have never held him back from living. Perhaps they push him forward. He lives life, each moment fully engaged. He takes the time to appreciate the little stuff. He is happy, smart, and very funny. Davy can make me laugh even when I have had the worst day.

   So, taking a look back at three amazing gifts we have received, I will ask myself the same question. Why us? The answer is..Thank God it is us. I am so glad that I get to live this crazy, fun, and exciting life with these three amazing little people.

      Note: I spent the morning revisiting my old blog post.  This one is my favorite.   I love my children. 


  Ok... so looking back at the last 11 years, my life has been very full of love.  I have three of the most amazing loving children that a mother could have.  Right now, I am going to focus my writing on Hayden.  For those of you who get tired of "hearing" about it, I invite you to not open this blog.  For those of you who read and let me know what you think either way, I thank you.  You matter to me.

  For my invisible readers, I hope to educate and help others grow.  Maybe, through our experience, both good and bad, others will benefit.  That's is something I always want to do....help others.

  I not a touchy feely lovey person.  I know that.  Once, at Virginia, I had someone call me a snob.  Thing is, I think that I do portray myself that way.  I know that was intended to hurt my feelings, but it didn't.  Mainly because I don't feel that way.  There is always someone who better than me.  On the other hand, there is always someone is who not as good.  I think that is true with everything in life from crafting to writing, from art to interpersonal skills.  We all cannot all be at the same level.  I know very beautiful people.  I have met even prettier people who are "ugly" on the outside.  Once you get to know them, they are amazing people who take your breathe away.

  I have met people who portray themselves as saints, but they are mean and sneaky, judgemental and underhanded(again this is not aimed at anyone in particular, rather a generalized statement)

  So to the reason behind my previous paragraphs....  Why does Hayden ALWAYS get excluded?   My frustration at this high right now.   Hayden is sweet, loyal, kind, smart and fun to be around, but the other kids dislike him.  We have one kid who practically lives at my house.  He is having a birthday party.  You got it.  Hayden is not invited.

  Sad thing is that I have had people who say they love me do the same thing.  They excluded him......   This excludes me too.  No,  really did not understand.  I know I said I did, but it was to cover my feelings of sadness.  I did not understand...

  It is hard to watch his eyes glass over as he tells me that they are only allowed to have so many kids at the party.  "I wasn't one of these kids mom."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dear Hayden- P.S. I love you


  Fragile X, Autism Spectrum issues, PDD-NOS....oh how I wish I could say I only heard about those things. My son has PDD-NOS.  He is going to be tested for Fragile X syndrome. I am crossing my fingers that this test will come back as negative. He does have some of the features. I wonder how many parents out there know what it feels like to be here, not knowing. I would rather not know I think, because a diagnosis of Fragile X may take away my hope.

  I have two boys and one girl. Both of my boys have issues. Davy's, I wrote about the other day.

  Hayden's...well that is another story.

   We sat in the doctor’s office yesterday. She asked question after question. He made no eye contact. He fidgeted nervously in the chair. He acted "Autistic". Nothing is worse than seeing your child disappear in front of your eyes. Nothing is worse than knowing that you might do everything right and that child still might not have a future. How do you explain this to other people? I don't think you can. They can try to empathize. This walk sucks.

   Hayden was originally diagnosed at age 2. He is now 11. He has always had issues. Hayden is loving, kind, smart, and funny. He is sweet, thoughtful and fair. He does not see the bad in people. He is good. He works harder than any child I have met. He is a gift. I treasure him. I love him. Every day is a day we try to teach him how to be as normal as possible. Hayden is special. Not "special", but truly a special kid who fills us with love.

  Hayden is high functioning. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to have a low functioning child. I want to tell other moms who deal with these issues, you are wonderful people. This is hard. 

  It is different with David. He has food allergies. I cannot do anything about that, except watch his diet and try to keep him safe.

  Hayden, we can teach him. He has learned so much more than anyone ever thought possible. Hayden is a character. He can do this. If he doesn't, he will not have the life he dreams of... My job is to give him the tools.

Dear Hayden,

  If I can do anything with this life,  I will give you the tools to have a job and a chance for a wife. I would give you all that I had, just so you would not have to go through this life being sad.  I will help you heal.  I would give up everything I am, to help you become a man.   The most important thing that I want you to know....  is that I believe in you.  You can and do anything you set your mind too.  You are perfect just the way you are.  You can and will go far. 


P.S.  I love you

I am grateful for this life, but I am going to allow myself to cry today. Perhaps for just five minutes. Then, I will get back on my feet and move forward creating a new plan of action. We have until he is 16 years old to get this right. Then...we must start planning transitioning into adult life. 4 1/2 years... that is not a lot of time.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Gratitude's ~ Day 18 A Trip in Germany and a Visit to the Doctor

  I am a couple of days behind writing my gratitude journal. A lot has happened in those days too. Some wonderful, some the same, no matter what, life happened so I have a lot to be grateful for.

                                             Gratitude's~Day 18 

1. Day Trips~ we took off on Saturday to Bernkastel-Kues , Germany in the Moselle valley. This quaint German town offers unique buildings of half-timbered houses, beautiful landscapes with vineyards along the hills. We stopped at the castle ruins of the Landshut overlooking the Bernkastel valley. Fun was had by all!! I am grateful for this day of sightseeing.

Landshut Castle Ruins

Half timbered House In Bernkastel -Kues

2. Eating out~ We finished our day of sightseeing by eating at the Zegrab restaurant in Bitburg Germany. The food was good. I am grateful that we can eat out.
Just outside after dinner in Bitburg

3. Relaxing Sundays~ In Germany, Sunday is a day of rest. Boy did we need it.  We rested the day away in the quiet of our house. I am grateful to be able to take a day to rest.

4. Hayden~ I have written that I am grateful for my son before. Today, I am grateful for his good attitude. He started the re-evaluation process for an Autism spectrum disorder this morning. He did fine. It was only a few minute into the interview that I knew his diagnosis was going to remain PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder). My heart always breaks watching him answer questions. He doesn’t really understand that he is different. I, most of the time, do not see it either. Today, it was painfully clear. The doctor asked him all sorts of questions. He did just fine. I love my son.  He is fine the way he is.

5. Friends~ I had a friend send me a note to make sure all was well. The note was welcomed and needed on my part. I am thankful that my friend took the time to ask.  Thank You Sarah.  I "heart" you.

6. Time~ I am grateful that we still have 6-8 years to work with Hayden to prepare him for the real world. After seeing him today, I realize we still have some work to do. I am grateful for time.

7. The doctor~ The doctor agreed that Hayden is not ADHD and does not need medication. This is GREAT news!!!!   She observed my child and saw what we see. I am grateful for a good doctor and no meds.

8. Sleep~ I am exhausted. Tonight I get to sleep. I am grateful to sleep.

9. My father~ I just had an uplifting conversation with my dad. I am grateful for my father.

10. As always, life~ Every twist, turn, bump and slump offers something good to look at. As long as I am alive, I have something to be grateful for. Have a good day everyone.

   There is so much I could write about Hayden’s appointment today. Perhaps I will sit down and talk about it later, but for now I am going to leave it as it is.

Giggle for the day:    Doctor to Hayden, “Have you ever heard the saying ‘When Pigs fly’?” Hayden’s answer, “Yes that would be when Swine Flu!” Got to love that kid!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gratitude's Day 17~ Seeing the good in people

   Good morning everyone. As is my usual habit, this morning I got up, drank my cup of coffee and browsed the most recent comments of my friends on Facebook. There were the witty comments, the angry comments, and the heart moving videos, the usual. One comment struck me. It had to do with karma. The good ol' phrase, "what goes comes around", enters my mind. When someone is angry sometimes they want to see the bad things happen to the person they are angry with. Once they have a moment to settle their thoughts and ease the pain in their heart, I don't think most of them want "bad" karma to happen to anyone. Rather, they are venting in the moment.

  I know that I do not want bad things to happen to people. Rather, I would like to see their hearts filled with peace, love, and growth. If I wish hard enough, maybe something great will happen and change that person for the better. Oh...I can dream right? No, I have seen this happen. People can change and be better when they choose to be.

                               Gratitude's Day 17

1. Believing the good in people~ Once, a long time ago, I was told that I am naive. I see the good in people. I seek it out. I try to understand that everyone does things that they are not proud of, but that does not define them. I see the soft edges on hardened hearts. I see the marshmallows interiors on gruff shoulders. Even when those people are no longer a part of my life, I see the good in them. I am grateful to be able to do this.

2. Forgiveness~ This is something that is easy for me to do.  I used to struggle with forgiveness.  When I forgive a person, I move on from the negative feelings that hurt my heart.  I let it go.  Let Go and Let God is one of my favorite sayings.  It's true that people do or say bad things, but it is not my place to judge them.  I do not like it when people say, "Only God can Judge them."  While this is true, the person saying that is wishing evil on another person.  They have condemned that person.  Rather, I hope that they have a good life and a good ending. I am grateful that I can forgive completely.

3. Having an open mind~ I do have subjects that I am not open about.  I know that.  However, for the most part, I am a very open minded person.  I believe that we are all created equal.  Yes....that includes everybody.  People get discriminated against for all different types of reasons. I dislike it when people use the bible as a tool to discriminate.  I say, read it again, and you will find another passage that supports the other side of the story.  I am grateful to have an open mind.

4. The sun~ The sun came out for three days this week. It was beautiful with temps in the upper 40's to low 50's. We played outside just like we did when we were little children. It was nice to soak up the vitamin D. I am grateful for the sun.

5. A simple word~ The other day, I got a note. It simply said, "It's been a while." In reality, it has been over 20 years since I last saw this person. It is nice to know that they remember me. I am grateful for simple words.

6. Love~ Love is a gift in itself. It feels your heart with happiness, joy, and even anger sometimes. Love is forgiving. Love is kind. I love to know I matter in people's lives, that I am loved. I am grateful for love.

7. People who are not afraid to speak out~ I know a lady who says what she thinks and feels what she says. Some call her difficult. I call her loving. She is a forceful, loving, caring, wonderful, beautiful person. I love her mind. I am grateful to know this lovely lady who speaks her mind.

8. Different types of friends~ Each friend I have hold a special spot in my heart. They each have their purpose. Some have more than one purpose, but they all fill my needs. I know, it sounds a bit selfish, but it is true. Some make me laugh. Some make me cry. Some make me think until it hurts. Others show me love. Some show possibilities. Some are a huge support system all around. All show me a friendship that is special. I can see that I fill different needs for my friends as well. For some I am a confidant. Other’s we giggle. Some, I am support system too. No matter what, I hope they all know that I love them. I am grateful for each different friend.

9. Reading~ Yesterday my kids wanted to hear passages from my gratitude journal. I read the parts that talked about what I love about each of them. Hayden looked at me and said," It’s like your diary filled with love. It's nice mom. I would like to hear more." I hope one day, they will be able to sit down and read this journal and understand how much I love them. I want each to grow into their own person. I want each to have a good life. I am grateful to have been able to read to them. They smiled.

10. As always, life~ This morning is special, as was yesterday. I hope tomorrow will be too. I love this life and all that goes with it.

   When I first started writing the gratitude’s, I thought I would run out in just a few days. Instead, every morning that I am able to write, I find I have even more gratitude's than I did the day before. Pretty neat thing to look for the gratitude's in your life. Even if it is just breathing, there is something to be grateful for. Have a good day everyone.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A walk in our shoes...

   This is supposed to be a blog about gratitude's.  A blog that is about changing your attitude to find the positive even in the negative. I have racked my brain over and over again. I cannot find one positive in having food allergies. I am not talking about the allergies that give you itchy skin or a runny nose. I am not talking about allergies that upset your belly or give you a migraine. I am talking about the food allergies that can cause your throat to swell, blocking your airway. I am talking about the fear that goes along with those allergies. Maybe one of my readers can tell me what I should be grateful for here. I am not grateful for food allergies. I am angry that my son has to live his life this way.

   My little boy is only seven years old. He has had one episode where I could see the outline of each of rib. I can still see the terror in his little eyes. I can see him gasping and struggling to breathe. I hate this image in my head.  My Davy has food allergies.

  This morning he woke up with swelling under his eyes. Why? I do not know. I checked his back, his throat and quizzed him about all of his symptoms. No hives, no swelling. He said he is fine. I let him go to school today. That was hard. He knows his body better than I do.  He knows if he is ok.  I have to trust my little guy.

   The only positive that I can see here is that I have Davy. I am grateful for my son. I do not want to live this life without him.

   Recently I was asked to write what David's first reaction was like. The purpose of writing this is to help establish guideline in schools for children with food allergies. Here is what I wrote:

                                                       David's First Reaction

    I was asked to write about the 1st reaction Davy had. Boy...that is a hard question to answer. Davy was born May 6, 2003. He was perfect in all ways. It wasn't until he was about 6 months old, that we started to clue in that something was not quite right. David's skin showed signs of eczema. We were prescribed the normal arsenal of treatments. Poor David would cry and cry whenever we put these lotions on his skin. His skin continued to get worse and worse. We did not know at that time that we were putting ingredients on his skin that he was allergic too. He then started lying down after dinner. His belly would hurt. He eyes always seemed puffy. We went back to the doctors several times. It was always the same diagnosis...Eczema.

   One night, we put David to bed. A few hours passed. It was around 11PM when we heard the strange sounds coming from his room. My poor boy was having a hard time breathing. My husband rushed him off to the 24 hour Urgent Care where they gave him two breathing treatments. Once he was able to breathe without difficulty, the doctors sent him home. Mark told me that they thought he may have the croup. The next morning, my son was fine. No illness at all. I knew something else was wrong. I made another appointment and asked for him to be tested for food allergies. The doctor reassured me that food allergies were rare. But she was kind and wanted to put my mind at ease, so she ordered a blood test. Two weeks later, the phone rang. I was not home. The caller ID suggested that we had been called about eight times. The doctor left a message that said to call her right away. For the 1st time in my life, I was not able to make a call. Instead, my husband made the call. I stood beside him and heard him say, "Uh huh... Okay . So Corn, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, peanuts, milk and eggs."

    To this day that memory brings back many emotions that are difficult to put in writing. I knew our life had just changed in a way that I could not comprehend. I sat down with David and told him what the doctor had said. David's response makes me smile. He said in all the wisdom of a 3 1/2 to 4 year old, "Oh so that is what is making me sick. Oh good, then I just won't eat those foods." He seemed relieved that we would be able to help him. He has always been a champ about his allergies. It has been a long road, but I am happy to say that my son has outgrown all but 4(fish, shellfish, tree nuts and peanuts) of his allergies. There is hope for our children. We are going to continue having him tested on a yearly basis in hopes that he will one day outgrow all of his allergies. In the meantime, knowing he is safe when we send to school is a gift.

                                                                  The End.

Dear friends and readers,

  My gratitude’s are still many and I will get back to writing those later, but for today I wanted to focus on something I am not grateful for.  Just for today, I wanted to write about allergies for they will not be a part of my gratitude list, but it is a reality of my life.

   As always.. I am grateful for life.

Monday, February 7, 2011

As always, Life Gratitude's Day 16

   Good Morning friends. The kids are off to school. Mark has the day off today is sleeping. I am taking a minute to myself.

               Gratitude's Day 16

1. Lunch Dates with my hubby~ We go out and eat all the time, but very rarely is it just the two of us. Today is a special day because my husband is home and the kids are at school. Yep...free day care today. The education they get is a huge bonus too. I am grateful to get to spend time alone with my husband.

2. Food~ I love to eat. This shows on my waist line. I am curvy with bumps that are not exactly where i would want them to be. However, I do love food. I also love eating out because there are no leftovers in the house and no dishes to do. I am grateful for food.

3. Glitter~ I love glitter. It sparkles. It's cheerful. It's pretty. Glitter brings laughter and giggles from my children. Glitter is also the nemeses of one my best friends. Glitter brings giggles there too because every time I see glitter, I think of my friend. I am grateful for glitter.

4. Glue~ What better than glitter? Glitter Glue of course. I bought an 8 pack of glitter glue just the other day. Why? Because, we might need it one day. Mark, my husband, laughed when I bought the glitter glue saying we probably will never have a need for it now. I giggled too. We always need glitter glue.

5. Crafts~ Crafts are fun. We can spend hours in our imagination creating crafts. No, glitter is not required. My friend who hates glitter is quite the crafter. She creates beautiful works of art. I love crafts in all forms. The crafts other people create are often my favorites. If it takes more than an hour, I am unlikely to finish the craft. I am grateful for both the crafters and the crafts they create.

6. Craft Fairs~ I love craft fairs. We wander from vendor to vendor admiring their works of art, sometimes taking a piece of their treasures home. Other times, I just walk on by. I am grateful for craft fairs.

7. Surprise Street Carnivals~ One of my favorite memories here in Germany, so far, is the street carnival we happened across. It was not a planned night. We went to Trier on a Sunday, just to walk the streets and take in the sights. We stumbled onto a street carnival. It was small having about three rides and about five food vendors. We ate bratwurst and pommes(French fries). We rode the fastest and scariest bumper cars I have ever been on. I won the kids a few stuffed animals from the digger machines and we were on our way. What a night!! I am grateful for street fairs.

8. Street Performers~ I love hearing music as we walk down the street. Sometimes we see jugglers or mimes. We often and usually stop and throw a coin or two into their hats. Flutes, drums, singing and whatever they decide to do is exactly what I like to hear or see. I even laughed to see the Naked Cowboy in New York City. I am grateful for street performers.

9. Plants~ this morning my sink is full of my plants. They are all getting a drink. Green leaves with streaks of white holding the promise of future flowers sit in the sun. I am grateful for plants.

10. As always, Life~ If you ask my Uncle Herman how he is doing, he will likely say, "Well, I am alive aren't I?" He will then laugh and say that every day that he is alive is a good day. Can you imagine how great life would be if we would simply be grateful for every day? I am grateful for both this life and my Uncle Herman.

   It is time to go wake Mark up and start the day. Have a great grateful day. =)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Color's of life Gratitude's~ Day 15

It's 7:17Am right now. The sun should be rising in the next half hour or so. The house is quiet as everyone still sleeps. I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee, sitting in dark silence with one light turned on. I love these quiet mornings. The kids are near me. My husband is dreaming. Life is good.

                                  Gratitude~ Day 15

1. Sleeping Children~ The quiet mornings when I sip coffee and listen to my children sleep has always been one of my favorite times if the day. They are there dreaming, close by. I am here with them too. Just a wall separates us. I am grateful for this time of quiet that rejuvenates and starts the day.

2. Afternoons~ I love waking up early in the morning, but I am not a morning person. I drag, lolligag around. I sip my coffee and imagine the day away. I write. I surf the wed. I call friends on the phone. I clean. I do all sorts of things in the morning, but I rarely leave my house unless I have to in the morning. The afternoons are the time to get out and adventure, to go see friends. It is a time to shop. The playgrounds call our names in the afternoons. The afternoon hold so many promises. I am grateful for the afternoons.

3. Dirt~ I love dirt and clay. I love getting my hands dirty. I imagine, when I was young, I must have been quite a site coming in from outside playtime. Now, never wearing gloves, I fill pots and planters with dirt. Each pot will have its own splash of color as it is filled with various types of plants. I am grateful for dirt.

4. Color~ Vibrant colors are my favorite. I dislike the question, "What is you favorite color?" I do have one favorite color. Usually the color I like the best is the color that matches my mood. Most days that is the brightest of fuchsia's, the boldness of purples, the various shades of blue. Some days I feel brown or even yellow. It all depends on my mood. I am grateful for color.

5. Being a mother~ I can remember playing house when I was just a little girl.  I imagined myself having two girls.  I would care for them and love them.  I have always wanted to be a mother.  I have three children. Each of them have shown me a different gratitude in life.  Each of them has their own heart string.  I am grateful for being a mother.

6. Being a friend~ I have a hard time being a casual friend.  We are either connected or not. For me, one is an acquaintance.  Someone who you know, like and move on in separate directions, a potential friend of sorts.  The other is a person I get to know and love.  I don't hold list of their wrongs.  Instead I have a list of everything I love about them.  I don't want them to be perfect, since I cannot or will not ever be perfect myself.  I am good friend if you need an ear, someone who wants you to be the way you are, someone to love you.  If you need a glass of water, you may have to get it yourself.  I try not to crowd.  I am grateful that I can be a good friend.

7. Understanding ~ I like that I can be understanding.  I am also grateful for other understanding people.

8. Love~ A friend is writing a blog about love right now.  I have stopped by and read that blog several times. Probably at least 4-5 times. I enjoy her blogs.  They are sweet, uplifting and kind.  Love is kind.  I am grateful to be able to give and receive love.  I am grateful for love.

9. Family~ Family seems a natural place to go after love.  I think of my sister, aunts, uncles, cousins.... and of course my husband, children and parents.  There are so many people I think of when I think of family.  Some of those people are not related at all.  I am grateful for my family.

10. As always, Life~ Life brings our daily challenges, happiness, food, adventures, and memories.  I love the colors of life.  I am grateful for this life.

  This morning started off quiet and peaceful.  The sky was dark.  The air was still.  The smell of coffee was in the air.  It is now 8:12AM.  The sun is rising.  I hear neighbors on the stairs.  The house is busy with life. Let the day begin.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mystic Side ~ Gratitude's Day 14

   Today is just like any other day in our house I suppose.  David's teacher called and set up a parent teacher conference. When I heard the words fine motor skills and gross motor skills, I knew what was coming next.   Another one of my kids were going to be evaluated.  My expert opinion.... Gross motor skills above average.  Fine motor skills are a little behind.  Davy just does not like to write.  Perhaps there is a reason why he does not like to write.  These exams always strike fear into my heart because they can and sometimes do lead to a diagnosis.  Really, I think Davy would just rather do something else at than write, but who knows.  Let's get it checked out.

                                    Gratitude's~ Day 14

1. Hayden~ Hayden was diagnosed as PDD-NOS( Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified) at the age of 28 months old. His diagnosis was re-confirmed at the age of 9. I will never for get the day I heard the term spectrum disorder. I googled it and read a story. This story was the story of my young sons life. I cried that day...      I then set out to make sure he got everything he needed for a normal life. He is now being re-diagnosed to make his new school happy. To me, Hayden is normal.  Hayden is a joy.  He will go far in this life. I am grateful for Hayden.

2. Julia~ My unique special girl.  She is bright, beautiful, funny and a sweet child. I love the fact that she does not have any issues at school other than how hard her books should be. She tests high in her reading. She is enthusiastic and fun. I am grateful for Julia.

3. David~ David is fun, sweet, handsome, loving and funny.  He is super smart too when he chooses to be. Davy is having some handwriting problems, but I think this too will pass.  I am grateful for Davy.

4. School~ To the teachers that take a great interest in my children.  I appreciate everything you do to help them get caught up as we go from school to school to school.  I think this transition is hard for some children. Thank you teachers for everything you do.  I am grateful to you.

5. Growth~ . Watching my children outgrow an issue is a wonderful thing.  I am grateful for growth.

6. Children's friends~ Julia has a friend over today.  It is fun to see the girls play.  They are crafting at the moment.  Earlier they were playing the game of twister. Girls are so much quieter than boys.  My ears are not ringing at all.  I am grateful for the children having friends.

7. Sadness~ Yep, sadness has it's place in a gratitude journal.  Whenever sadness occurs then there is room for understanding the joy that follows.  I have felt sadness where the air felt as it was being drawn from my lungs. I  have felt grief.  I have allowed myself the freedom to live life in a new way.  Some things never leave your side.  However, you do learn to live a new life with joy, the memories always there. I know I will feel this sadness again, but I also know that in future tomorrows I will appreciate the good moments of life even more.

8. Joy~ Real joy, not the temporary happiness that you get from buying a super neat purse or cool outfit.  Although, that happiness is fun too.  Rather the joy that comes from inside you just from being alive.  The joy of children's laughter.  Joy from new life.  The joy that is part of you. I am grateful for joy.

9. Mystic Side Church~ When I hear the name Mystic Side, I think of the ocean shore with scents of the ocean drifting through he air. Mystic side church sits in Malden Massachuesetts about 5 miles away from the beach.  I see a quaint blue wooden church with bells ringing in it's tower.  The rectangular hedges surround the church giving it a private green lawn.  My uncle is in charge of mowing the grass. I see a pipe organ and stained glass windows. The smells of food and coffee travels up the stairs from the small kitchen below. I remember my grandparents, Bea, my aunts and uncles. It is easy to remember the laughter of the women long since passed. Yes,sadly almost everyone I ever knew from that church has passed on. Some of the younger generations are still there, but many of them do not remember the people I loved. Most of them do not know me.  Over time, the people, the minister, so many things have changed, but the church is still there standing looking as time has not passed. I am grateful for Mystic Side. 

10. As always, Life~ Today I am alive and that is something to be grateful for. I am thankful and grateful for life.

  Today started a bit harder than other days, but I am used to the trials that go along with it. I am grateful for this life.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blah Day Gratitude's~ Day 13

   I wasn't going to write my blog this morning. Negativity crept into my spirits and left me feeling quite blah. It has been foggy outside for three days now. To be overcast is one thing, but to not be able to see across the street leaves me feeling just a bit icky. Yes... I said icky. I do have three kids.

Now having this feeling of blahness makes me think that today it is even more important to look for my gratitude's. So here I go...

                                  Gratitude's ~ Day 13

1. Blah days~ Yes, there is even something to be grateful for on a blah day. I will be able to appreciate seeing clouds again. Not the clouds that cover our area in fog, but the ones high the sky that sometimes cover the sun. Days that look bleak and forlorn often lead to days of cheerfulness and happiness. So...for that, I am grateful for blah days too.

2. Clouds~ Fog can be mysterious and lead your imagination into all sort of tales. Fog is just clouds that have fallen down for a moment. Hopefully the clouds will go back up the sky and paint imaginary creatures and pictures. Guessing the shapes of the clouds is one of my families favorite things to do. We like to look up and see dinosaurs, flowers, and sometimes even two headed monsters. We often let our imaginations get carried away. I am grateful for clouds. They can be fun.

3. Soup~ I think I may have had soup every day for about two weeks now. I love soup. It has many different flavors to match many different moods. Today I had Mexican Style Chicken Tortilla with melted Pepper Havarti cheese on top. It was delicious. Another reason I love soup is that I can eat the entire can. Sure, It says two servings per can, but today serving only had 110 calories. So I ate the entire contents of the can of soup. I am grateful for soup.

4. New York City~ Yep, I have seen where the Soup Nazi, from the sitcom Seinfeld,serves his soup. Sadly, I did not get to eat his soup. The tour guide said he was out of the country looking for new soup recipes. I got to take this trip my mother and sister. Watching Broadway shows and racing to catch taxi's is fun. I am grateful for the trips to New York City.

5. Trips~ I have a draft started of all the places I have been. I found that I need help writing this blog. I was a child for many of the trips. I would days, years and exact places to put in my memory trip blog. One day, I hope to be able to publish the places I have been. I am grateful to be able to take trips.

6. Family~ I am grateful to my family and all the meaning they hold. I love you all. I am grateful to you.

7. Music~ A happy tune can uplift one's spirits. I am grateful for music.

8. Cars~ We can do so much that would be impossible without a car. I don't think I would like having to use a horse and buggy. Although, I do think it would be to take a horse and buggy excursions through a park or city. I am grateful for cars.

9. Toothpaste~ Can you imagine life without toothpaste? I don't want too. I don't like bad smells. I am grateful for toothpaste.

10. As always, Life~ Today is a gift filled with fog. The fog will lift as will my mood. I am grateful for the gift of life.

   I am still a bit blah, but that is normal for life. We cannot be happy every moment of every day. However, we can find many things to be grateful for. Have a good day in gratitude's everyone.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Life~ Gratitude's Day 12

   Good morning friends.  I missed a day of writing yesterday.  Taking a break is always a good thing for me to do.  It gives my mind energy to recharge.  It also gave me some time to take care of some much needed tasks.  Yesterday was a good day, as will be today.

                                                   Gratitude's~ Day 12

1. Humor~  Yesterday morning was spent at the optometrists office.  All three of my children and myself had our eyes examined.  Only one of us needs glasses, but it is good to have the annual eye exams for health sake.  Davy, my youngest, was asked if he thought he needed glasses.  His reply was,"Yes!"  The doctor asked him why he thought he needed glasses.  Davy stated, "Because, I will look even more handsome with glasses on."  Oh, I nearly fell out of my chair with laughter when I heard Davy say that. Davy did not get glasses yesterday.

2. Eye exams~  I am what is called a glaucoma suspect.  I have a cupping of the right optic nerve.  Next week I have to go in and do what I call the dot test.  Basically every time I see a dot, I will press a button.  I am not sure how I will do on the test, but I am not worried.  My pressure is normal.  These test should help me from ever having a problem.  I am grateful for follow ups and preventative medicine.

3. Spelling~ I cannot spell.  Anyone who has seen my words without the aid of a spell check knows of my inability to spell.  My oldest son, however, can spell.  He never studies for his spelling tests.  He almost always gets A's.  He is a great speller.  This week, he got to participate in his 1st ever spelling bee.  He made it to the third round.  I am grateful for spelling.  My son can spell.

4. Snow~ I love the snow.  I do not love the cold or bad roads that goes a long with it.  I do love the snow.  Snow is beautiful.  I am not a skier, a sledder, or a snow man builder because that would mean I would be outside in the cold.  I do not love the cold.  However, I love how the snow hangs in the trees, how it sparkles like glitter in the air.  I love how peaceful it feels outside after a fresh snow fall.  I am grateful for the snow.

5. Spring~ I love the spring even more.  New life sprouts from the ground.  Rays of sun peak thought the clouds.  Winter coats are put away.  Flowers are born.  Spring brings about movement as people emerge from their houses and explore the world again.  Spring is the start of everything good.  I am grateful for spring.

6. Children~ My kids are really neat.  Each of them brings a special attribute of happiness to this house.  Each behaves, acts and reacts differently from the other.  Sometimes it is quite comical having children.  I am grateful for children.

7. Caring people~ There are those people who just seem to be a step above other people.  Their hearts are able to reach many.  They have a special gift, one that goes beyond normal friendships and families. They reach out to help as many people as they can with no matter of who the other people are....many volunteers are like that.  They give of themselves to help others with no expectations in return.  I am grateful to caring people.

8. Photo's of loved ones long since passed~ Everyday while sit here and type, I look up and see a family photo with my grandmother is it.  She is one of my greatest inspirations.  She was an amazing women. She gave of herself when others would have stopped to sit down and rest.  She often would visit people who were to sick to go out when she, herself,  was ill with heart and lung disease. She was the glue of my family up north. She brought joy and goodness with her everywhere she went. She loved to travel and try new things.  She loved the dolphins, flowers and me.  I love you Grandmother.  I am grateful to have had you in my life.

9. Microfiber clothes~ It is not really to much of a stretch to go from my grandmother to chemical free cleaning.  Cleaners hurt your lungs.  My grandmother died of pneumonia.  I love being able to grab my cloths and clean without polluting the air.  I am grateful for microfiber.

10. As always, life~ God gave us one life to live.  I sometimes wish we could have a thousand lives, but I only have one.  I am grateful for every second I am on this planet.  I am grateful for life.

    I was eager to sit down and write my blog this morning. I never really know what I am going to write until I sit down and think about my gratitude's. Everyday has something to be grateful for if we take the time to look for it.  This morning was easy.  I am grateful for life.

Monday, January 31, 2011

God doesn't make Junk Gratitude's ~ Day 11

   This morning I woke with the gratitude of being myself.  I know a person who used to try to change me into being someone I am not.  Now, I do not call this person friend.  However, I am grateful for that action because I know I stayed true to myself.   An old friend(Erica Thomas Buchanen~sorry if I mangle the spelling of your name) posted, "Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect." ~Romans 12:2

                                         Gratitude's ~ Day 11

1. Me ~   "God doesn't make junk."   While I do not remember who said that, the words have left a lasting positive impact on me.  I am grateful to wake up and be me.  Who else in this world who I rather be?  Sure, I would like to be rich, have a chauffeur, and chef, but I would like to do it as myself.  I would like to see the world with my eyes.  I am grateful to be me.

2. Walking~  Lately, I have sat down and started to think about the constants in my life.  When I look back, I can see one thing that has always been the same.  Since I was little girl, I loved to take walks.  Years ago,  we Volks Marched through Europe as a family.  I think this may be the start of what shaped my love of walking.  In High School, I used to take walks after school with many different friends at places such as Point of Rocks Park in Virginia.  The memories at that park are many.  The smiles are great.  This journey of walking with friends continues into my adult years and continues today.  These friends hold a special spot in my memories.  Most have continued on as life long friends.  Thank You my friends for taking this journey with me.  I am grateful to you.

3. Gardening~  I am sure I will write this as a gratitude many many time over.  I love gardening.  Greta and I used to walk around our flower beds looking  for the seedlings that the birds may have left behind.  We often had little surprises popping up here and there.  One year, she had planted purple cone flowers in her yard. She did not get one single beautiful purple cone flower.  Instead,  the bird transferred the seeds.  I had  a bunch of cone flowers pop up along my fence line.  Gardening brings surprises and joy.  Gardening brought me friendship with one of the best friends I have ever had.  Thank You Greta for being a great friend.

4. Changes with-in~  One neat thing about writing a gratitude journal is that it makes me really stop and look at the things I am grateful for.  Sure, it is easy to say I am grateful for something, but to stop and really think about the why it brings so much gratitude changes how I feel.  I used to randomly list everything or everyone that made me happy in my thoughts.  I never really gave each gratitude its own thought.  To stop and write down each gratitude, whether it be a person, place or thing, leaves me with joy all day long.

5. My husband~  I am grateful for Mark.  He loves me.  He makes me feel secure.  He is quite a handsome man.  He is funny too.  Lately he has followed his dreams and that has shown to be an inspiration for me to follow my own.  I am grateful for my husband, my best friend.

6. Best friends~ Over the years, I have been blessed with best friends.  I do not have just one best friend. Instead I have a handful of great friends.  I bet, without typing a word, each of you knows who you are. Sadly, all of you are scattered all over the place.  I guess this is a good thing because whenever I see one of you(or talk to or type to), I can concentrate on you.  I am grateful for these friends.

7. Yogurt~ How did I go from friends to yogurt?  I don't know actually, but I do love yogurt.  Here in Germany, there is a yogurt that I have fallen in love with.  It is delicious!!  Actually, that may be even  an understatement because I eat one or two every single day.  I am grateful for yogurt.

8.Children's toys~ Yesterday, Julia and I sat down and played with her potters wheel.  Our hands got dirty from the clay.  We created art and spent treasured time with each other.  It was a special special day.  I am grateful for an activity that will remain with both of us in our memories for the rest of our lives.

9. Art~ Art can be many things to many people.  For me, art is anything that you use your own self to create. This includes gardening, painting, music, crafts, pottery, quilting and so much more.  Art is beautiful.  Sometimes it can be quite odd, but it has it's own uniqueness that speaks about the artist who creates it.  I am grateful for art.

10. As always, life~ I think I may use this as my signature ending.  Everyday that I wake up is something to be grateful for.

   Today has already had a good start. I will concentrate on today. I do want to wish two of my friends good health this morning. I hope you wake feeling well and energized.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life is Good Gratitude's Day 10

 Is it possible that I am at loss for words?  I giggled when I wrote that.  Of course I have words, but now to find a way to put them in writing.

               Gratitude's Day 10

1.Black Friday Shopping~ Yes, I am one of the crazy people who go out with the masses for the good deal. Over the years, the shopping day has evolved from a day of solitary shopping to a day filled with some of my favorite friends(this includes you Mom and Belinda). Each year the day is filled with laughter. We are often so tired that our eyes dilate unevenly and we laugh at the smallest amusements. Last year, I was unable to go, but I am planning to make our own Black Friday here in Germany with a good friend next year. I am grateful for fun shopping days.

2. Truth~ I like the truth.  Now, if you are having a very bad hair day, I won't tell you unless you ask.  Please so not ask me if you do not want to know what I am thinking.  I am direct and there are no secret meanings or hidden agenda in my words.  I am grateful to be able to speak open and honestly and not have to worry about it the next day.  I know my heart.

3. My flower pot that says Joy~  A friend gave me this flower pot nearly 8 years ago to celebrate the fact that I quit smoking.  Since the day I received this pot, I have kept it in my kitchen window.  Currently is houses five small cactus plants.  It is a reminder of the love of my friend. It is also a reminder that I can take care of myself.  I am grateful to the friend who gave it to me.  I am grateful for Sandy.

4. Loyalty~   I have many loyal friends.  If you are my friend, a real friend, I will stand by you. I may not always agree with you, but I will stand by you emotionally and give you support. This is something that all my life longs know about me. I am grateful that I have this trait.

5. Freedom~  Freedom represents so many things.  Various random thoughts just entered my mind.  The most important thought to me at this moment is the freedom to be yourself.  In my kitchen I have a small framed picture.  The drawing shows two friends hugging each other with the words, "Friends know you just as you are and love you anyways."  No need to be anything other than who you are.  That is the way I want you to be....yourself.

6. Dreams~  I have so many dreams.  Every day I get up and think, "What can we do today?"  Most days are just the normal run of the mill days, but I like to imagine the possibilities of the days we can go out and explore.  I am grateful to be able to dream.

7. The internet~ What a neat invention!!  The internet gives me the ability to research my dreams.  It gives us the how tos and the wheres all at the touch of our fingertips.  No longer do we have to go to the books store to get the guides.  Although I will admit I do have the guides too.

8. Pictures~ Pictures capture our memories.  Pictures show us the places we want to go.  Pictures show us the places we will never get to see like the pink dolphins in the Amazon.  I am thankful for the gift of a picture.

9. The beautiful sun~ Today is a bright sunny day in beautiful Germany.  I may ask my husband if he would like to take a drive in any direction just so we can see and appreciate the landscapes.  Perhaps we can stop and take a picture or two to capture the moment.

10. As always Life~ The would be nothing to be grateful for without life.  I am grateful for this life.  :)

 Enjoy your today my friends.  Let today be filled with gratitude's and happy moments.  Life is good.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A 4 year journey~ Gratitude's Day 9

   This morning I wrote a very simple sentence.  Life goes on..... After I wrote that, I took time to reflect the last several years of my life.  Four years ago, my life was set on a journey that not even my imagination could fathom.  My life today is totally different today than it was of that yesterday.  Today's gratitude's will reflect on this journey.

                       A Journey~ Gratitude's Day 9

1. Virginia~  4 years ago, we lived in Virginia surrounded by the beautiful greenery that I loved and called home.   Virginia captured my imagination and my soul with its sweet smells and beautiful flowers.  It was a place that I wanted to live for all time.  Virginia held and holds some of my most treasured memories and friends.  Listing these friendships over the years would be nearly impossible, but I do believe that each of you knows that I am talking about you.  I will always have home there even if I do not have a house.  I am grateful for my time in Virginia.

2. Deployment~ Adding deployment to a gratitude journal seems a bit odd to me.  I did not like being separated from my husband.  I know he did not like being separated from us.  However, I did learn that I could ask for help when needed. I learned that I was capable of making a happy home for my children.  I learned that I had a good friend who I could turn to whenever I needed her(Thank You Paula).  I learned that the sad moments do come to an end and life would eventually return to normal.  Well, sort of...

3. Moving~ Even today, I can feel the sadness of having to move away from my life.  I am still learning the lessons that I am supposed to have learned in the next two years.  While, I miss my home state greatly, I grateful for the opportunity moving gave me to grow.

4. Love~ When you leave your parents, you feel pain, a sadness.  This sadness is hard to describe.  My parents had been with us, only an hour and half down the road, for nine years.  They were and still are a huge part of our lives.  While we no longer get to see them every other week, we do still get see them several times a year.  I am grateful for their love.

5. North Dakota~   The day we drove into North Dakota was bleak, grey and rainy.  It was May 31st and there were still snow mounds on the side of the road.  It looked dirty.  I cried.  Where were the hills, the trees, the people?  In time I learned that North Dakota holds its own beauty, a type of serene solitude.  The snow drifts in perfect silence.  There are days when the wind howls so loud you can almost the stories they are trying to tell.  The clouds in the sky are beautiful.  You can always look to the sky to find beauty.  I am grateful for my time in North Dakota.

6. Trips~ In the the two years we were in North Dakota, we got to take three amazing vacations.  One was a cruise to the Carribean with my husbands entire family.  We flew to beautiful Cocoa beach Florida where we set sail on an adventure that I doubt I will ever forget.  Next we set off for a family vacation to Disney World.  It was an amazing 10 days.  Our final vacation was to the beautiful Outer Banks of North Carolina. We spent 14 days with my family at the ocean and 3 days at their house in Virginia before planning our trip to Germany.  Each of those vacations holds a spot in my heart.  I am grateful for those trips.

7. St Louis~ One nice surprise, was the trip we took to St. Louis Missouri.   The trip took only four days, but it was a lot of fun, a mini vacation of sorts.  We missed seeing one of my very best friends, but I know it was for the best. (Love you Barb)  We were able to visit the Zoo and see the famous St. Louis Arch.  A nice surprise trip is always something to be grateful for.

8. One last goodbye~ Once we left North Dakota, said good bye to a few good friends, we headed off to Virginia.  My parents had agreed to let our cute miniature poodle stay with them while we found a home in Germany.  The days we spent with them were to short, but full of love. They are taking great care of Poppy.  I am grateful that we got see them before we set off for our newest adventure.

9. Germany~ Words cannot describe my gratitude for the gift of being able to live in this beautiful country. My journal, I am sure, will be filled with many new gratitude's.

10. Adventure~ Life is an adventure.  Looking back at the last four years, I see a journey that has left me with a few new life long friends, amazing memories and the gift of life.  Everyday is worth the adventure.  I am grateful for this life.

   I feel blessed after writing all this down. There have been ups and downs. Oh but those ups have made this life worth living. Have a good day everyone.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Toilet Paper Gratitude's Day 8


   Good morning friends and readers. Each and everyday is the beginning of your life. When I look back at my life, I treasure each of my memories. However, I live in the present. I dream for the future. There is a saying, "One Day at a Time." For me, this means to live for today. Each day is fresh and newly written. There are no worries of the pasts or the future. Today, I can only worry about today. My day so far looks like it will be uneventful. This does not mean that today will not have it's own story....

                           Gratitude's Day 8

1. Coffee~ I am a bit surprised that I have not put coffee on my list before. Coffee smells good, taste good, and helps me start everyday. Oh how I love my coffee. Now I drink my coffee black. No sugar or cream, just the pure delight of coffee. I am thankful for coffee.

2~ Toilet Paper~ Did you know that toilet paper was not invented until 1857 by a man named Joseph Gayetty? It was called medicated paper. Modern day toilet paper was not invented until 1880. Prior to that people used twigs and leaves. I just had to pause and think about that last sentence. Gross, horrified and stinky comes to mind. I am thankful for toilet paper.

3. Completion~ Today was the final day finishing up my abscess and root canal treatments. It was a super easy visit and no anesthesia was required. I am very thankful to the dentist and to the staff. They fixed me up and with a great attitude as well. While I genuinely like these people, I do hope I do not have to see them again for a very long time.

4. Pottery Pieces~ I love handcrafted pottery. I have bowls, mugs, plates, planters and even a pottery turtle. Each piece is unique. Some of my pieces are made in North Carolina, others in South Dakota and a few are made here in Germany. Pottery is usable and beautiful so it creates no clutter. The glaze drips down or swirls into sweet little patterns. I am grateful for the artist who create the pottery.

5. Trains~ Trains are fun. They take you through mountains and across landscapes. They allow you to travel without missing the sights. There are so many different types of trains. In this house, the steam engine holds the fascination of the old and young alike. I am grateful for trains.

6. Water~ Some people turn to drugs, alcohol or even different means to alleviate stress they feel. I love drinking a glass of ice water. It leaves me feeling refreshed and calm. Water cleans our dishes, our bodies, and the earth. Water is essential for life. I am grateful for water.

7. Blankets~ Blankets make me smile. They warm us and somehow comfort us when are sick. Blankets often are accompanied by little children wanting to cuddle. Blankets decorate and add spice to a room. The feel of a super soft blanket on a cold rainy day can leave me feeling peaceful and relaxed. I am thankful for blankets.

8. Space~ The word space can lead into several directions. One direct is the vastness of Outer Space with its' endless possibilities. This, in itself, can lead to hours and hours of imagination. I do wish I could live long enough to see when we find other species on different planets. That thought makes me smile. Another direction of space is time and distance which can and is sometimes needed. Finally, the third direction of space that I am grateful for, is the space to raise my family. No matter how big or small our space has been, we have always had just enough.

9. Steps~ When I was child I gave my father three wooden shoes that were replica's of Holland wooden shoes. Each shoe had it's own words engraved. The shoes represented the steps necessary for a good life. The shoes represented my gratitude.

10. As always, life~ Today has already brought kids in my house, a visit to the dentist, kind loving words from my husband and the day has just begun.

I am interested to see what else today has today has to bring. Whether it be a good book, a call from a friend or just cuddles on the couch. Today is newly written just as tomorrow will be.