Good morning everyone. As is my usual habit, this morning I got up, drank my cup of coffee and browsed the most recent comments of my friends on Facebook. There were the witty comments, the angry comments, and the heart moving videos, the usual. One comment struck me. It had to do with karma. The good ol' phrase, "what goes comes around", enters my mind. When someone is angry sometimes they want to see the bad things happen to the person they are angry with. Once they have a moment to settle their thoughts and ease the pain in their heart, I don't think most of them want "bad" karma to happen to anyone. Rather, they are venting in the moment.
I know that I do not want bad things to happen to people. Rather, I would like to see their hearts filled with peace, love, and growth. If I wish hard enough, maybe something great will happen and change that person for the better. Oh...I can dream right? No, I have seen this happen. People can change and be better when they choose to be.
Gratitude's Day 17
1. Believing the good in people~ Once, a long time ago, I was told that I am naive. I see the good in people. I seek it out. I try to understand that everyone does things that they are not proud of, but that does not define them. I see the soft edges on hardened hearts. I see the marshmallows interiors on gruff shoulders. Even when those people are no longer a part of my life, I see the good in them. I am grateful to be able to do this.
2. Forgiveness~ This is something that is easy for me to do. I used to struggle with forgiveness. When I forgive a person, I move on from the negative feelings that hurt my heart. I let it go. Let Go and Let God is one of my favorite sayings. It's true that people do or say bad things, but it is not my place to judge them. I do not like it when people say, "Only God can Judge them." While this is true, the person saying that is wishing evil on another person. They have condemned that person. Rather, I hope that they have a good life and a good ending. I am grateful that I can forgive completely.
3. Having an open mind~ I do have subjects that I am not open about. I know that. However, for the most part, I am a very open minded person. I believe that we are all created equal. Yes....that includes everybody. People get discriminated against for all different types of reasons. I dislike it when people use the bible as a tool to discriminate. I say, read it again, and you will find another passage that supports the other side of the story. I am grateful to have an open mind.
4. The sun~ The sun came out for three days this week. It was beautiful with temps in the upper 40's to low 50's. We played outside just like we did when we were little children. It was nice to soak up the vitamin D. I am grateful for the sun.
5. A simple word~ The other day, I got a note. It simply said, "It's been a while." In reality, it has been over 20 years since I last saw this person. It is nice to know that they remember me. I am grateful for simple words.
6. Love~ Love is a gift in itself. It feels your heart with happiness, joy, and even anger sometimes. Love is forgiving. Love is kind. I love to know I matter in people's lives, that I am loved. I am grateful for love.
7. People who are not afraid to speak out~ I know a lady who says what she thinks and feels what she says. Some call her difficult. I call her loving. She is a forceful, loving, caring, wonderful, beautiful person. I love her mind. I am grateful to know this lovely lady who speaks her mind.
8. Different types of friends~ Each friend I have hold a special spot in my heart. They each have their purpose. Some have more than one purpose, but they all fill my needs. I know, it sounds a bit selfish, but it is true. Some make me laugh. Some make me cry. Some make me think until it hurts. Others show me love. Some show possibilities. Some are a huge support system all around. All show me a friendship that is special. I can see that I fill different needs for my friends as well. For some I am a confidant. Other’s we giggle. Some, I am support system too. No matter what, I hope they all know that I love them. I am grateful for each different friend.
9. Reading~ Yesterday my kids wanted to hear passages from my gratitude journal. I read the parts that talked about what I love about each of them. Hayden looked at me and said," It’s like your diary filled with love. It's nice mom. I would like to hear more." I hope one day, they will be able to sit down and read this journal and understand how much I love them. I want each to grow into their own person. I want each to have a good life. I am grateful to have been able to read to them. They smiled.
10. As always, life~ This morning is special, as was yesterday. I hope tomorrow will be too. I love this life and all that goes with it.
When I first started writing the gratitude’s, I thought I would run out in just a few days. Instead, every morning that I am able to write, I find I have even more gratitude's than I did the day before. Pretty neat thing to look for the gratitude's in your life. Even if it is just breathing, there is something to be grateful for. Have a good day everyone.